
Top Seven TCM Therapies for Lowering High Creatinine Level 5.6

Top Seven TCM Therapies for Lowering High Creatinine Level 5.6

Dialysis is not the only choice for this part of patient, there are some other treatments based on traditional Chinese Herb Medicine can lower the high creatinine level in a more natural and effective way.

The most well-known alternative treatment is Top Seven TCM Treatments, it is not a single treatment, it is a series treatments consisted by seven different treatments, each of them has good effect in treating kidney failure, cooperated with each other they can treat improve the kidney function to some degree by protecting the kidney cells from further damage and repairing the damaged ones.

What are the Top Seven Treatments?

The seven treatments we mentioned above refers to Hot Compress Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy,Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Cycle Therapy, Enema Therapy.

As we all know, different patient has different symptoms and complications and those treatment also has their own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment the doctor will arrange different treatment for the patient.

After 25 days treatment, his disease turned to good side and you can see that the swollen on his legs disappeared. The blood routine examination shown that his hemoglobin was 112g/L, red blood cells count was 3.60×1012/L. The renal function test shown that the serum creatinine level was 517umol/L, BUN 30.8mmol/L, UA 30.8mmol/L.

After he discharged out of our hospital, our doctor prescribed him some Chinese Medicines to consolidate the curative effect. One month later after he back home his serum creatinine level downs to 270umol/L,then he need to take dialysis once per week. Two months later after he back home his serum creatinine level downs to 160umol/L, then he decided to stop dialysis.

Seen from his story, we can know that with the help of Chinese Medicine, the kidney failure patient can get a chance to stop dialysis, at least they can reduce the times of dialysis.

If you are the kidney failure patient and want to get rid of dialysis or want to know more details about our Top Seven TCM Therapies you can send email to us or contact our doctor we will try our best to help you.

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