
Can Multiple Simple Renal Cysts Affect Kidney Function

Can Multiple Simple Renal Cysts Affect Kidney Function

Simple renal cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form in the kidneys.They are different from the cysts that develop in polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Can multiple simple renal cysts affect kidney function?

if the multiple simple cysts keep enlarging persistently,they will oppress the adjacent kidney tissues, replace healthy kidney tissues, leading to progressive renal function decline.High blood pressure is often the first sign of kidney damage in multiple simple renal cysts. Afterwards, back pain, blood in urine, etc will happen.

If the cysts are large, surgery may be needed to remove the large ones by draining the cysts.However,after the large cysts are removed, the small ones will become large soon. The newly enlarged cysts will affect renal function once again.

Alternative treatment to surgery for multiple simple renal cysts
Chinese herbal medicine is an alternative treatment for multiple simple renal cysts.It is a natural therapy free of invasive effects on body completely.

In treating multiple simple renal cysts, Chinese herbal medicine mainly works in two ways:

The medicines can soften the cyst wall and improve the permeability of cyst wall. By this way, it can promote the excretion of cystic fluids, thus shrinking large cysts.

Additionally, Chinese herbal medicines can kill the epithelial cells and stop them from producing fluids. Thereby, the cysts will stop enlarging.

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