
Natural Remedies For High Creatinine Level

Natural Remedies For High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level is just one symptom of kidney disease, it is not our final purpose to relieve a certain symptom, but treat the disease from the root cause.”

“Some certain medicines and a low-protein diet can help fix high creatinine level to a certain degree. However it is not a long-tern method. Nowadays, the Chinese herbal medicines have been applied in clinic to help treat kidney disease. Though it is not used to fix high creatinine level directly, but repair kidney damage and recover kidney function, which can help kidney disease avoid dialysis and kidney transplant. Once kidney function can be recovered, various of symptoms including high creatinine level can be relieved safely and effectively.”

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is natural treatment option.

In addition to medicines and reasonable diet, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another treatment option for high creatinine levels and high BUN levels. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. It reduces high creatinine and high BUN levels by repairing kidney damage and recovering kidney function, as the Chinese herbal medicines can play some functions the western medicines are unable to achieve like extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, anti-coagulation, degradation and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys.

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