
Is A Must To Take Dialysis At Creatinine Level 5

Creatinine 5 can tell the condition is already in the late stage ofCKD stage 3. In some areas, doctors have already begun to recommended their patients dialysis treatment. But if you ask a Chinese expert on kidney disease about whether patients with creatinine 5 need dialysis, he or she will answer you like this:
There is no a direct relation between dialysis treatment and creatinine levels. If patients with creatinine 5 are in some certain conditions like the serum potassium level exceeds 7mmol/L; Blood Urea Nitrogen level is more than 54mmol/L; carbon dioxide combining powers is less than 15mmol/L; PH is below 7.25, etc, then the urgent dialysis should be started.

However, if patients with creatinine 5 still have some certain amount of urine output, and there are no any obvious complications, then the dialysis treatment can be postponed. So that whether dialysis is needed or not depends on patients’ specific conditions.

What treatment can lower the high creatinine level other than dialysis?

The most well-known alternative treatment is Top Seven Treatments, it is not a single treatment, it is a series treatments consisted by seven different treatments, each of them has good effect in treating kidney failure, cooperated with each other they can treat improve the kidney function to some degree by protecting the kidney cells from further damage and repairing the damaged ones.

What are the Top Seven Treatments?

The seven treatments we mentioned above refers to Hot Compress Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Cycle Therapy, Enema Therapy.

What treatments should the patient apply?

As we all know, different patient has different symptoms and complications and those treatment also has their own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment the doctor will arrange different treatment for the patient. If you want to know what kind of treatment is better for you, you can send your detailed information to us by email, after analyzed our doctor will reply you as soon as possible.

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