
How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 In Diabetic Nephropathy

How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 In Diabetic Nephropathy

when the patients’ creatinine level rising to 9, they fell into panic, and they don’t know what to do.For Diabetic Nephropathy patients, persistent high creatinine level is an indicator of kidney damage. Well, what can be done to lower creatinine level? The following methods may be helpful:

What does creatinine 9 mean for diabetic nephropathy?

Creatinine 9 is a scared number to the diabetic nephropathy patients. In medical flied, kidney disease can be divided 5 stages by the creatinine level, and the creatinine 9 means the most serious kidney disease stage. In which stage, the patients have lose most of the kidney function, and at the same time, they will suffer from various painful symptoms. From above, we can know that it is so necessary for diabetic nephropathy patients to lower the high creatinine level.

How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 9 In Diabetic Nephropathy

As a Diabetic Nephropathy patient with Creatinine 9, you can consider of the Chinese medical treatments which have a long history in china. There is Chinese medical soup, which is boiled by some Chinese medical herbs, it can be used to invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a special one among our Chinese medical treatments, which can send some Chinese medicine into the damaged kidney parts. Then the kidney function for Diabetic Nephropathy patient can be improved a lot. At last, the Medicated Bath in our hospital has a strong effects in clearing and activating the channels and collaterals. So that, the whole blood circulation of patients will improve a lot.

Blood pollution therapy

This therapy, combining western medicine and Chinese medicine, has an effective effect on removing toxins and restoring the kidney lesion. Once the kidney lesion gets repaired, the kidney function will elevate and the creatinine level will decline.

Vegetarian diet

Creatine or creatinine is mainly found in animal products, so a vegetarian diet can reduce the dietary source of creatinine. And the protein requirement of the body can be met with egg whites, chicken and vegetables containing protein, such as lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and sprouts. However, some of these vegetables may high in potassium, so patients with high potassium level should more be cautious.

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