
Anemia In Diabetic Nephropathy: Causes and Treatment

Anemia is a common complication from Diabetic Nephropathy. With anemia, you always experience fatigue, dizziness, headache and coldness. What causes anemia and what is the treatment for anemia?

What causes anemia?

A major cause is an inappropriate erythropoietin response to anemia, often accompanied by iron de.-ciency and therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers.

What is the treatment for anemia in diabetic nephropathy?

Anemia in patients with diabetic nephropathy fitness after food taboos, should eat food: mainly can delay glucose, elevated blood lipids food.

Anemia in patients with diabetic nephropathy after food taboos, dockage Sugar: as oat noodles, buckwheat noodles, hot oatmeal, cornmeal with a variety of trace elements, vitamin B and dietary fiber. Experiments show that they have a role in delaying hyperglycemia. Available cornmeal, bean flour, flour made according to the ratio of 2:2:1 face triple bread, pancakes, noodles, long-term disabled, is conducive to lowering blood glucose and reducing hunger.

In most cases, anemia in diabetic nephropathy is treated with medications that are loaded in EPO.

Besides, the supplement of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 are also beneficial in maintaining the balance of nutrients. Remember do not take foods blindly without doctor’s permission.

The most important thing is to Improve kidney function level: Only if kidneys can recover to produce enough EPO again, can patients get rid of anemia as well as complications completely. The treatment should consist of two aspects: lowering high blood sugar and rebuilding kidney structure. In view of this, patients can try the combination of Tang Yikang and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which can treat Diabetic Nephropathy effectively.

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