
What Will Happen With High Creatinine 5.1

What Does Creatinine 5.1 Mean And How to Lower High Creatinine? Generally speaking, the cratinine is filtered out of body through kidneys. If we leave out the dietary influence on creatinine level, the kidney damage can cause high creatinine.

What does creatinine 5.1 mean?

Creatinine is a form of metabolism in our body. At normal circumstance, it should be filtered out of our body to keep the blood clean. The normal range of creatinine is between 0.5-1.3mg/dl. It may increase after exercise but it will return to normal after a rest. When the kidney is failed with its filtration function, creatinine will not be filtrated and it will deposit in the blood, causing high creatinine level. Creatinine 5.1 is far more than normal. The higher of the creatinine level, the severer of kidney disease. Creatinine 5.1 has already entered into chronic kidney failure. What is more, creatinine 5.1 can tell kidney disease patients that the condition has already developed Kidney Failure which needs dialysis or kidney transplant in the near future. And some patients with creatinine 5.1 has already started dialysis. Creatinine 5.1 also means the condition develops stage 4 chronic kidney disease, then it is nearly impossible to get the condition reversed. But there still has the possibility to help patients with creatinine 5.1 who have not started dialysis avoid dialysis.

Can creatinine 5.1 with chronic kidney failure be treated by dialysis?

When kidney fails to filtrate the waste products and toxins out, they will accumulate in the blood and affect the health of kidney.Dialysis is often used to replace part of the kidney function.

Dialysis can help kidney remove the waste products and toxins from the blood and relieve the symptoms. Instant effect will be seen after dialysis, such as the creatinine 5.1 will be greatly lowered. With dialysis, patients with chronic kidney failure can prolong their lifespan. But dialysis is not the perfect treatment for creatinine 5.1 with chronic kidney failure. It only can replace the lost kidney function and cannot improve kidney function. If you stop dialysis, the creatinine level will increase again.

Though a reasonable diet and dialysis can help lower high creatinine, they are not the ways which can treat kidney disease from the root. High creatinine is caused by the poor kidney function, while poor kidney function is caused by the kidney damage. So repairing the kidney damage becomes the key of kidney disease treatment, while it usually is ignored by the common treatments for kidney disease. If the kidney damage can be repaired and kidney function can be enhanced, then high creatinine level will be lowered naturally, because the kidneys can work normally again. While repairing kidney damage through Chinese herbal medicines, the primary disease causing creatinine 5.1 and stage 4 chronic kidney disease also should be treated.

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