
【 Popular science figure 】 nephrotic syndrome can be cured? 7 points to teach you to control symptoms

Nephrotic syndrome can be cured, but absolutely do not have what specific, also have no what folk prescription, ancestral secret recipe folk remedies are lying, because this disease can cure good, your own factors, half of which is to pay attention to diet and lifestyle.

1. Nephrotic syndrome can be cured, but absolutely do not have what specific, also have no what folk prescription, ancestral secret recipe folk remedies are lying, because this disease can cure good, your own factors, half of which is to pay attention to diet and lifestyle, don't want disorderly eat, live regularly, if you don't pay attention to the half, so always treat bad, and will turn to uremia. So if anyone regardless of diet and lifestyle to sell STH what specific, that is a liar, you caution point, not against yourself.

2.Western medicine generally use hormone, immune preparation, tripterygium wilfordii, cyclophosphamide and other western medicine. Hormones, immune preparation, tripterygium wilfordii, cyclophosphamide and other western medicine has some side effects, such as in remission for drugs, reducing to trace discontinuation, the benefits of western medicine treatment is to control the disease quickly, but the late by drugs easy to relapse, torture, but as long as pay attention to diet and lifestyle, generally by drugs or will be very successful, and finally can be completely cured.But is to pay attention to diet and lifestyle, and regularly, reducing using cannot stop drug casually, also cannot reduce drug casually, needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor. 

3. Treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine treatment has the advantage of small side effects, the late withdrawal is not easy, but if you can't find good condition of traditional Chinese medicine can not be very good control, some still increase, but if find a good Chinese medicine disease to also won't weak in western medicine, but the best is the traditional Chinese medicine combined with TCM diet, diet is the diet, the life also regularly. 

4. Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment with western medicine very good control illness symptoms, Chinese traditional medicine to consolidate cure treatment, benefit is the reduction of western medicine is not easy, finally stopped completely replace with Chinese traditional medicine western medicine, western medicine slowly stop Chinese traditional medicine, it is easy to cure, side effects are much smaller than pure western medicine treatment. 

5. During the treatment including good after all should pay attention to diet and lifestyle, do not pay attention to the disease does not cure.Must remember that all treatment is on the basis of pay attention to diet and lifestyle, without this, how to treatment is invalid, even a bit effect is only temporary.
6. If you are using the hormone, so suggest you combine traditional Chinese and western medicine therapy, Chinese medicine for high blood fat, high blood pressure, urine protein is high, the curative effect of plasma protein is low or very good, including your physical body fatigue, insomnia, dream how can Chinese traditional medicine slowly organized to come over.
7. Looking for a regular doctor, renal toxicity medicine don't eat, don't know the food and drug have renal toxicity, so what do you search in baidu. Keep in mind that this renal toxicity and food can accelerate the kidney damage which can lead to kidney disease is aggravating, even uremia.


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