
Treatment of chronic kidney disease in the elderly is very important dietary control

 Core tip: a reasonable diet is essential for patients with chronic kidney disease. If the patient is indifferent to the daily diet can lead to the effective treatment of kidney disease has been seriously hampered. Experts suggest that, in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) should pay attention to adjust the diet, to control the protein intake, low salt, low-fat, limit phosphorus to calcium. 

"Different causes of chronic kidney disease, treatment will not be the same." Experts said that if it is caused by hypertension, antihypertensive drug therapy; caused by diabetes, the use of hypoglycemic drugs or insulin; if glomerulonephritis or autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus) induced renal injuries as a result of kidney disease, it can use of glucocorticoids or immunosuppressive treatment.

Experts stressed that hormone therapy for elderly patients with chronic kidney disease is a double-edged sword, both therapeutic effect and at the same time, there are side effects. Side effects include infection increased resulting in a lowering of the patient's resistance, caused by osteoporosis, induce or aggravate the peptic ulcer (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, causing increased blood pressure, blood glucose, and others will cause steroid diabetes. Therefore, in the process of hormone therapy should pay attention to the evaluation of efficacy, adjust the dosage and treatment of drugs, to avoid risk.

 In drug treatment, experts said, to careful use of drugs in the treatment of chronic kidney disease, if treatment is not proper likely will aggravate the damage of renal function, like antibiotics (amino glycoside, sulfonamides, vancomycin and amphotericin B) will kidney damage; also contains the component of aristolochic acid in traditional Chinese medicine, such as Caulis Aristolochiae manshuriensis water plantain rhizome, henbane seed, Radix Aristolochiae Fangchi and Aristolochia Chinese medicine, short-term use will caused by acute kidney injury, long-term use can cause chronic renal injury.

 Patients with advanced chronic kidney disease can be treated by hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation. Most patients by hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis to remove the in vivo metabolic toxins or water and electrolyte abnormalities and renal transplantation is the treatment of kidney function is not the best solution, clinical is mainly by allograft renal transplantation, but kidney has a limited capacity, only a minority of patients can be a kidney transplant. Elderly patients may also have a kidney transplant, but it is a comprehensive assessment of the life expectancy of the elderly and the risks that may be brought about after kidney transplantation.

 Patients with chronic kidney disease should pay attention to diet control 

 Experts said that most patients with chronic kidney disease to control diet, first do not excessive intake of high protein substances, otherwise it will cause high pressure, high perfusion, high filtration and thus accelerate glomerular filtration. I~IV phase of chronic kidney disease patients daily protein intake of 0.6~0.8g/kg, while the V phase of chronic kidney disease patients daily protein intake was 0.6g/kg. Patients can control the food protein content of the table to eat. Also stressed that, in the protein intake should be high quality protein based, such as animal protein (fish, shrimp, meat, etc.). 

 In addition, patients with chronic kidney disease, but also to add heat, mainly to sugar. Also note that low salt to reduce the incidence of hypertension, and we should pay attention to low fat to prevent atherosclerosis and limit phosphorus calcium. For every day in chronic kidney disease patients should drink much water, Shu Lu Zhou director said that a patient's body water is best not too much, plus the amount of the first day of urine 500ml (including moisture food) is equal to the second day of the amount of drinking water.

 Finally, the experts said that the theme of this year's World Kidney Day - prevention and treatment of senile chronic kidney disease, so I hope old friends to pay attention to their own health, can through reasonable adjustment of diet and reasonable exercise to enhance physical fitness; at the same time, we should pay attention to the prevention of the occurrence of hypertension and diabetes. Of course, regular physical examination, if found to have signs of chronic kidney disease should be early and timely treatment, the disease is killed in the embryonic stage.

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