
Traditional Chinese medicine has a good method for treating acute nephritis

How the occurrence of acute nephritis?

Main control can cause nephritis of other related (also known as nephritis precursor disease), especially prevention of hemolytic streptococcus infection caused by some diseases and upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas abscess etc., the disease infection in the body to after a period of time can cause nephritis, called latency. Upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis, the latency period of approximately one to two weeks; scarlet fever about two to three weeks; impetigo about 2 to 4 weeks. Latency is the process of the body's reaction, in the infection of the above precursor, if can be in time to prevent the occurrence of immune response. According to observation, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other chronic infection lesions of recurrent disease, cause acute nephritis and chronic nephritis. So if confirmed acute nephritis is caused by tonsillitis, at an appropriate time for tonsillectomy, help to cure and prevent recurrence. Other bacteria, viruses, protozoa and so can cause nephritis. Therefore, to the cause of the prevention and treatment of a positive and timely nephritis prodromal illness, on the prevention of acute nephritis and prevent acute nephritis turn for chronic nephritis, it has a important significance.

Traditional Chinese medicine on acute nephritis?

According to acute nephritis acute onset, rapid change, edema beginning in the positive position and have the clinical features of the syndrome and the multi thermal image. The cause of the disease is related to wind, cold, dampness, heat and toxin. The occurrence of the disease, due to exogenous wind cold and wind heat attacking the lung, lung loses dispersing and descending, that gasification of the triple warmer adverse, or by wading in the rain wet, Chuangdu intraplating, cold dampness or damp heat in the spleen, spleen yang, that channel to adjust, liquid water within the stop, spillover muscle skin, the formation of edema. To wind or wind heat invasion, heat storage, heat leaving coke, vein damage, hemopyretic bleeding, resulting in hematuria. The lung, spleen, kidney two dirty dysfunction, depression and heat, gradually transformed into heat accumulation. Acute nephritis recovery period is mainly hot and humid entirely, some patients in the damp heat dissipated appear gradually in the course of kidney yin deficiency with hot and humid nostalgia. Some patients after the swelling subsided, often self body heat, excessive sweating and urination or nocturia, damp heat from the back of this genus not table empty, deficiency of vital energy or, can not fill, appropriate aromatic Qing Li, and promote its retreat from. Part of the patients with damp heat nostalgia back, and the deficiency of vital qi,, deficiency and excess syndromes, appropriate uses and method, is mainly to Quxie, removing pathogens and injury is the, righting and does not hinder the evil.

How to treat acute nephritis in traditional Chinese medicine?

According to its etiology and pathogenesis and clinical manifestations, Chinese medicine treatment of acute nephritis mainly in the following ways:

(1) Shufeng heat, detoxification. For a heat performance of a patient with fever, not often chills, sore throat, oliguria Sechi, hematuria. Slippery pulse number or breakdown, red tongue, thin yellow tongue coating. The commonly used prescription Yinqiao Powder Plus cicada, Bombyx Batryticatus, red peony, Moutan etc..

(2) wind water, divided. Indications: early onset, chills, fever, headache, aversion to wind, oliguria, swelling of the body above the waist to. Moss thin white, pulse tight or thin. The commonly used prescription for yuebi Decoction and five PI decoction.

(3), clearing heat and removing dampness or heat clearing and detoxicating method: applicable to patients with skin infections or exogenous table card has been solved, the stagnation of dampness heat, may have a fever, dry mouth, hi cold, less urine red, puffiness not. Thin yellow or yellow and greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse number. Commonly used to add and subtract five disinfectant.

Chinese medicine treatment of acute nephritis hematuria what is the way?

Acute nephritis with hematuria as the main performance should pay attention to hemostasis, the specific method has the following two kinds of:

1 Ziyin Qingre Zhixue: pathogenesis for fire burns vein and common Zhibai Dihuang Decoction addition and subtraction (Anemarrhena 12g, 9g of Cortex Phellodendri chinensis, 12g radix rehmanniae, Cornus 12g, yam 15g, 12g of the root bark of the tree peony, Poria 15g, Rhizoma alismatis 9g sanqifen 3G blunt).

2 Qingreliangxue bleeding: pathogenesis for thermal injury to blood vessels, the common thistle drink in addition and subtraction (Herba Cirsii 30g, 10g, lophatherum gracile Brongn 10g, talc 10g, raw licorice 3G, nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis 20g, cogongrass rhizome 30g, motherwort 15g, 15g of Folium Pyrrosiae, cortex moutan 6G, Verbena officinalis 15g, Cacumen Platycladi 15g).

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