
Lupus nephropathy can cause women not to menstruation!

Lupus erythematosus will make women do not come menstruation. For female patients with nephropathy, often consult such a problem, that is in the period of illness and why not come to menstruation, hope through the introduction below, let you have a certain understanding and better from kidney disease problems.

Caused by kidney disease, is a kind of dangerous wolf like disease. In the past 10 years after the diagnosis, 50% will develop to renal failure, and now, due to the progress of diagnosis and treatment, has been reduced to 20%, the disease from time to time, and sometimes still, the treatment requires a high degree of skill. On the one hand, the doctor's skill, on the other hand to patient deepening of disease to their own understanding, with the treatment, in order to get the best results. In the special clinic, about 30% of the patients, it is seen that the disease is very common. The majority of patients are young women, and many patients are taken drug treatment, which leads to no menstruation, so for many patients, said why he did not come to menstruation, it is because the patient treatment period, drugs resulting in.

At the same time, through the clinical observation, found a variety of lupus nephritis clinical manifestations, even the original stable condition, under the influence of some factors and activities and activities are not the same, so if it is not a specialist, it is easy to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, for example, fever, arthralgia, myalgia was considered to be a skin disease, skin allergy. Pleural effusion or considered tuberculous pleurisy or tuberculous pericarditis. Liver function abnormalities may be considered to be hepatitis. Therefore, lupus nephropathy patients with the above situation is the best looking for kidney disease specialist, do the necessary laboratory tests, so as not to delay the disease.

Medical research on the treatment of this disease has never been interrupted, but it is gratifying to have developed the appropriate treatment method. Lupus nephropathy has developed to two possible, one may be severely damaged kidney tissue, normal kidney tissue only about 20%, this situation can only rely on dialysis to maintain life. Another possibility is due to the activity of lupus nephropathy caused by inflammation, and decline in renal function, in this case we often using abdominal dialysis relieves the symptoms of renal failure, and then conventional hormone treatment, CTX treatment and cooperation of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment, can often be reversed uremia, do not need to use dialysis membrane, and allow the patient to return to normal life. As long as there is no history of lupus nephropathy more than 2 years, there is no reduction in renal ultrasound, or short-term decline in renal function in patients with uremia, the above method is likely to make renal function recovery.

When women abnormal menstruation, should be considered is not lupus nephropathy, because the disease is very easy to be misdiagnosed, so it should be a regular to do a detailed diagnosis. In order to let you better get rid of the trouble of kidney disease; have a healthy body, good life.

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