
Glomerulonephritis how should treat

common disease
This article introduction: glomerular nephritis diseases in recent years has become a danger to human health of a kind of common disease, and the disease is not so good after rehabilitation, so hope we can actively do right for such disease treatment, so the treatment of diseases in glomerulonephritis method have?

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Glomerulonephritis is also called glomerulonephritis.In bilateral renal glomerular allergic disease.Glomerulonephritis is a common kidney disease, acute and chronic two kinds.Urgent onset of the acute nephritis, short duration, good hair at 4 ~ 14 years old children, men more than women.The disease occurs in streptococcus infection, after 2 ~ 3 weeks ago in most of the cases had precursor infection, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc but without a parallel relationship between degree of infection with the onset of whether.

What method can treat glomerular nephritis:

1, the general treatment:
The glomerular nephritis condition, patients often showed edema, hypertension, hematuria and proteinuria, renal insufficiency symptom such as performance, affect the physical and mental health of male friends.Patients treated in this way, you need to stay in bed, and limiting salt intake to 2 ~ 3 g, if patients with loss of protein in the urine, kidney function well, need high biological titer of animal protein, such as eggs, milk, fish and lean lean, etc.,

2, treatment of life:
What method to treat glomerulonephritis effectively?First to treat glomerular nephritis disease, patients need to pay attention to avoid aggravating renal damage factors, such as infection, low blood volume, dehydration, fatigue, water and electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, pregnancy and application of renal toxicity drugs, etc., it is for patients with kidney damage, we need to avoid using or careful.

3, hormone therapy:
Hormone and immune inhibitors.Now because of repetitive and strong side effects, led to more and more people reject with drug treatment, thus appeared the hormone treatment methods, such as, also is to have the effect.

4, traditional therapy:
Glomerulonephritis condition, we can use the Chinese medical treatment.Now very advanced treatment technology, is the Chinese traditional medicine ion permeability treatment, can make the effect on treatment of comprehensive, integrated lesions, makes Chinese traditional medicine ion penetration directly into the kidney, to the centralizer thrift, spleen and kidney, lung and qi, the role of detoxification drain turbidity, help patients to treat glomerular nephritis, let patients no longer pain.

MORE INFORMATION:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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