
Hepatitis b can lead to glomerular nephritis


This article introduction: hepatitis b virus (HBV) can cause nephritis?The answer is yes.As a result, some people with hepatitis b for a long time, should also pay attention to the protection of the kidney.So why is the hepatitis b virus can cause nephritis?
Sufferred from second liver, after a barrage of other disease as came also, hepatitis b virus infection after the body through the immune response to form immune complex glomerular injury or hepatitis b virus directly attack the kidney tissues of glomerulonephritis, this type of nephritis called hepatitis b associated glomerulonephritis.
Hepatitis b associated nephritis in patients with clinically, main show is the symptom such as proteinuria, hematuria, or nephrotic syndrome.One of the most typical pathological changes is membranous nephropathy.The incidence of hepatitis b virus infection associated with glomerulonephritis is about 6.8% ~ 20.0%, and take the children to see more.
The pathogenesis of this disease has not been elucidated, but a lot of research data shows that hepatitis b associated nephritis mainly through the following several ways of disease:
A, antibody of second liver virus antigen - caused immune complex deposition in the glomerular injury, this way can be two types of pathogenic
1, circulating immune complex: mainly is the human hepatitis b virus (HBV) infection, and serum antibody in the blood circulatory immune complex formation, deposition in the glomerular capillary loops, activate complement immune damage and disease.
2, in situ immune complex: mainly smaller molecular weight of hepatitis b virus e antigen through the basement membrane and first implant glomerular epithelial hepatitis b virus e antibody combined with in situ immune complex formation, deposition in the glomerular epithelial and pathogenesis.
Second, the virus directly infects cells in the kidney
Researchers in the kidney tissues of patients with hepatitis b virus associated glomerulonephritis found HBVDNA, fully proved the hepatitis b virus may directly kidney infection.
Third, after the hepatitis b virus (HBV) infection resulting in autoantibody and cellular immune injury
Autoimmune injury and immune regulating function defect has a lot to do, after hepatitis b virus (HBV) infection can stimulate the body to produce a variety of autoantibodies such as: can DNA antibodies, cytoskeletal components, etc.;Target cells after hepatitis b virus (HBV) infection can cause cytotoxic T cell immune to target cell damage, caused the body's own immune response.
Through the study found that hepatitis b virus antigen with damage to the kidney, so is also a large group of kidney disease hepatitis b patients.

Fourth, how to treat hepatitis b associated nephritis?
For now, nephritis has not been without special treatment for hepatitis b.Although immunosuppressant is good for a variety of types of glomerulonephritis, but it may delay the shrinkage master reset the ability of the hepatitis b virus, so most people don't advocate hormone therapy.Interference has been called the antiviral effect, with straight cell surface receptors, activation of certain enzymes after blocking reproduction and replication of the virus, but cannot kill the virus into the host cell.
Vidarabine inhibit DNA polymerase and nucleotide reductase, thus inhibiting viral replication, if combined use of interferon treatment, can get better effect, but this is only a simple symptomatic treatment, not severely, therefore, kidney disease was also to become even worse.Can say that these shortcomings have become a formidable barrier has plagued the patients recovery.

 MORE INFORMATION:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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