
Harm of kidney stones

Kidney stones much harm can not be generalized to people. Because the stone big filial piety part, decided the importance of the stone. Such as just a small stone, no urinary flow barriers, and no damage to the normal kidney tissue, no adverse effects on human health. If the stone is large, the card in the urinary tract of a certain place, affect the flow of urine, causing kidney effusion,

the impact on health is very large, more impact on pregnant women.Small stones in the urinary tract of pregnant women, painless, not complicated with bacterial infection, can not affect the pregnancy. Due to the increase of gestational progesterone level, but also to promote urinary tract dilatation and small stones than

when not pregnant is easy to exhaust, is a good deal. However, there is a large stone before pregnancy, pregnancy is difficult to discharge, the occurrence of urinary tract obstruction, progressive increase, it will damage the function of the kidney, affecting the health of the mother.

Causes and harms of the formation of kidney stones! In addition, there are many aspects of care for patients, which requires patients themselves and their families, should be more consideration of how to care for patients with kidney disease, so that they can be as much as possible. I wish you a speedy recovery!

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