
Prevention of kidney stones from the beginning of life habits

Is due to the body of colloid and crystalloid metabolic balance imbalance, and infection, nutritional and metabolic disorders, urinary tract foreign bodies, urinary stasis and the geography and climate and other factors. But urinary stones is one of the common diseases in the Department of Urology, according to the location of the different parts can be divided into kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder stones, etc.. Kidney stones occur more often in young adults than in women.clinical manifestation

1, pain appears in the abdomen or kidney area. Larger stones local pressure or friction is caused, can lead to pain or pure pain and small stones in the renal pelvis and calyces mobile cause angina. 2,: often microscopic hematuria, also can appear hematuria, more obvious after colic. 3, other: and the infection can be significant, stone caused by the kidney, can be touched the enlarged kidney, stone obstruction bilateral renal pelvis outlet, can cause no urine or.

Diagnosis basis

1, occurs in the popular area of stone, if there is a significant renal colic and microscopic hematuria, you can definitely diagnose.

2, urinary tract X-ray plain film showed positive effect of kidney stones. 3, urinary tract radiography showed stone shadow. 4, ultrasonic examination showed kidney stones.

Current treatment

Comprehensive measures including general treatment, cause of disease treatment, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, intra cavity take stone, dissolve stone treatment, surgical operation treatment, Chinese medicine treatment and food bait therapy and so on.

Suffering from kidney stones, to bring the patient's life, economic, mental, and many inconvenience, so we should actively prevent kidney stones, from the daily habits, eating habits and exercise.

Daily habits to prevent kidney stones

1, drink plenty of water, not water

Not holding back urine, drink more urine is useful in bacteria, carcinogenic substances and the stone material rapidly excreted and reduce the chance of kidney and bladder injury.

2, drink beer

Some people think that beer can diuretic, can prevent the occurrence of urinary calculi. In fact, the beer of the malt juice contains calcium, oxalic acid, acid and purine nucleotides, acid and other acidic substances, they used, can make the body of uric acid in the body to increase, becoming an important incentive for kidney stones.

3, meat, animal organs to eat less

Control the intake of meat and animal internal organs, because the meat metabolism produce uric acid, animal organs are high purine food, the decomposition of metabolism will produce high blood uric acid, and uric acid is the formation of stone composition.

Therefore, the daily diet should be based on a vegetarian diet, more food containing cellulose rich food.

4, eat less salt

Too salty diet will increase the burden on the kidneys, while salt and calcium in the body has a synergistic effect, and can interfere with the prevention and treatment of kidney stones drug metabolism process. Daily intake of salt should be less than 5


5, beware of spinach

According to statistics, more than 90% of the stones of calcium, and calcium oxalate stones accounted for about 87. 5%. If food oxalate intake amount too much, of calcium oxalate in urine and in saturated state, the excess of calcium oxalate crystals may formed by precipitation from the urinary stones. In food, containing the highest oxalate spinach, spinach is one of the people who eat


6, do not drink milk before going to bed

As more calcium in milk, and most of them contain calcium salt stones. The most dangerous factor of stone formation is the sudden increase in the concentration of calcium in the urine. Drink milk 2 to 3 hours, it is the peak of calcium through the kidneys, so that when the state of sleep, urine concentration, calcium more through the kidneys, it is easy to form stones.

7, not more than sugar

The calcium ion concentration, oxalic acid and uric acid in the urine will increase, and the acidity of the urine will increase, which can make the calcium and oxalic acid be easy to precipitate, and promote the formation of the stone.

8, eat dinner early

The row of the peak Ca2 often after a meal 4 ~ 5 hours, if the dinner too late, when the calcium excretion peak arrival, people have gone to bed, urine retention in the ureter, bladder, urethra, urinary tract, cannot promptly eduction body outside, resulting in increasing of calcium in urine, easily deposited formation of small crystals, with the passage of time, gradually expand the formation of stones.

Kidney disease related website: http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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