
How nephritis patients deal with sexual life

nephritis patients
This paper introduction: normal moderate sex life helps coordinate feeling of husband and wife, guarantee a happy marriage and promote health, anti-aging. Can the problem of the sex life of nephritis patients, it should be from the function of the kidney.

Renal function is very wide, can generate urine, excretion of metabolites in the body, regulate water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, to maintain the stability of the human body environment, as well as endocrine and other functions.

Normal moderate sex life is conducive to the coordination of the relationship between husband and wife, to protect the happiness of marriage, but also to enhance and delay aging. Can the problem of the sex life of nephritis patients, it should be from the function of the kidney.

Renal function is very wide, can generate urine, excretion of metabolites in the body, regulate water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, to maintain the stability of the human body environment, as well as endocrine and other functions. Therefore, it plays an important role in people's life.

Chinese medicine believes that the kidney essence is the main physiological functions, namely congenital reproductive essence and nurture Mizutani subtle metaplasia of sperm were hidden in the kidney, kidney essence is full, full of vitality, body organs both raising temperature. Therefore, kidney, also known as the birth of the, excessive sex life to renal injury and exhaustion of the fine.

In view of the above important physiological function of the kidney, nephritis patients need to be in the sexual life to be controlled. In case of acute nephritis, chronic nephritis acute period or the condition is not stable, not too sexual life, so as not to aggravate the condition or is not conducive to the rehabilitation of; in the rehabilitation period of chronic glomerulonephritis in stable condition, according to the condition of appropriate sex life, but avoid excessive, and to to minimize the number of life, the kidney Yangxi, the rehabilitation of the disease is positive.

Nephritis patients and their spouses need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the life, in before and after sexual intercourse should be clean, to prevent urinary tract infections and lead to exacerbations.

For unmarried patients, in nephritis healed before should not marry, lest because of the sexual life after marriage or female patient pregnancy after marriage and nephritis recurrent, aggravate the disease and renal function damage. Should generally be in to recover before marriage, clinical cure refers to human disease syndrome disappeared and normal renal function and urine, 1-2 years after menopause without recurrence.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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