
What is the treatment of chronic renal failure

Treatment of chronic kidney disease
Chronic method is what? This is worthy of our attention, because chronic brought trouble is relatively large, in order to effectively resist disease caused by unnecessary hazards and risks, everyone will consulted a number of relevant expert advice, to help you find the most suitable for their own treatment. So what is the method for the treatment of chronic renal failure.

Method for treating chronic renal failure:

1 cause of treatment: if the disease, and so on, adhere to long-term reasonable treatment. Whether we can persist in long-term and reasonable treatment is a very important factor to affect the development of these diseases and the progression of chronic renal failure and chronic renal failure.

2. To avoid or eliminate the risk factors of a sharp deterioration in the CRF: the recurrence of kidney disease or acute aggravate, severe hypertension failed to control, acute hypovolemia, localized renal blood for reduced sharply, severe infection, tissue injury, urinary tract obstruction etc., other organ function failure (such as severe congestive heart failure, severe liver failure), the use of nephrotoxic drugs inappropriate.

3 to block or inhibit the progressive development of a variety of ways to protect the kidney units, to protect the health of the kidney units. The blood pressure, blood sugar, urine protein, GFR decline in the index, etc., should be controlled in the ideal range.

4. Diet therapy: application of low protein, low phosphorus diet, alone or together with the necessary amino acid or keto acid (eaa/ka), may have reduce the role of glomerular sclerosis and renal interstitial fibrosis. Most of the research results support the effectiveness of diet therapy on delaying the progression of CRF, but the effect is different in CRF patients with different etiology and different stages.

5 other: positive correction, reduce the accumulation of toxins, the application of statins, smoking cessation, and so on, is likely to have a protective effect on renal function, is under further study. Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of chronic renal failure: the maintenance of renal function is generally used to reduce the urea nitrogen and slow the progression of chronic renal failure. Mainly to Chinese medicine, western medicine diet therapy, diuretic antihypertensive, maintenance of water electrolyte acid base balance, remove reversible factors and other means of combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment mode is more. In the stable stage of chronic renal failure, in order to improve the compensation ability of the patients with kidney function or other organs, the progress of chronic renal failure was enhanced by the combination of TCM syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation. For the primary disease and evil factors such as infection, hypertension, heart failure, and low blood volume, water electrolyte and acid-base imbalance, to effect is good, to be in stable condition, with the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine cure, this stage in western medicine combination therapy has a better therapeutic effect. Dialysis treatment of chronic renal failure: when patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD progression to GFR 10 ~ 15ml / min (or corresponding to the level of serum creatinine) and clinical manifestations of uremia significantly, should actively carry out the preparation of dialysis therapy, including patient education, dialysis, make the patient and family have better psychological preparation, and a preliminary understanding of the relevant knowledge. The treatment method for chronic renal failure, we must to give positive attention and concern, because the treatment method for chronic renal failure usually have a lot of, want to completely avoid the unnecessary methods lead to disease occurrence, everyone will consulted a number of relevant expert advice, to help you find the most suitable for their own treatment, avoid disease damage.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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