
IgA nephropathy patient pain, what is the performance

What is the expression of patient pain? IgA patients why there will be pain? IgA patient's typical clinical manifestations of

asymptomatic, some with low back pain and. Treatment principles mainly to rest, anti-inflammatory and symptomatic treatment. So when

IgA nephropathy patients with pain how to do?

IgA nephropathy is a group of diseases. It is a general term for a group of nephrotic syndrome (or IgA), which is mainly based on C3

or IgA, and is deposited in glomerular mesangial cell. Renal swelling caused by the membrane and small vessels in the kidney.

What are the main manifestations of IgA nephropathy in patients with pain?

Double kidney area blunt pain, hematuria, some patients with abdominal pain than other glomerular diseases significantly.

IgA nephropathy patient pain how to do?

1 explain the cause of the pain.

2 observe the nature, location, intensity and duration of pain.

3 local hot compress or physiotherapy.

4 assist the patient to change body position to relieve the pain.

The 5 doctor give analgesics and observe the curative effect and side effect.

6 let the patient listen to music, talk with people to distract the attention to reduce the pain.

Therefore, in patients with IgA nephropathy to learn more knowledge of IgA nephropathy associated with the disease, pay close

attention to changes in their body, improve the living habits, combined with the doctor's treatment, as soon as possible to get rid

of the torment of IgA nephropathy, a normal life!

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