
Patients with chronic nephritis daily nursing knowledge

Experts advise patients must not be because of the disease and styled, listen to the small ads flicker, be sure to choose a formal nephropathy, so as not to cause more serious consequences.
For the treatment of chronic nephritis, in addition to the professional treatment of chronic nephritis, but also to carry out routine nursing work, so as to have a better recovery effect. In order to allow patients to get rid of the trouble as soon as possible, the following is for everyone to introduce the chronic nephritis patients with routine care.
The daily care for chronic nephritis, experts believe that should start from the following several points:
First, patients with chronic nephritis to rest
In daily work, whether it is physical or mental labor, nephritis patients do not fatigue shall to rest, otherwise it will increased metabolism is not normal, will increase the burden on the kidney function, even damage the kidneys.
Second, patients with unauthorized unauthorized use of anti-inflammatory drugs
For example, drugs and antibiotics, in the use of anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs must be under the guidance of the relevant physician before taking, because the improper use of these drugs directly hurt the kidney function, leading to abnormal renal function.
Third, patients should pay attention to the emotional adjustment of friends
Experts tell patients with chronic nephritis, must establish confidence in the struggle with the disease, because of the chronic nephritis patient with slowly stretches, so to keep the determination and confidence of treatment. Furthermore, grumpy, troubled will cause liver damage, influence the secretion system chaotic disorder, and direct damage to renal function.
Fourth, patients should pay attention to the diet of patients with kidney disease
Unreasonable diet is often easier to increase the burden on the kidney of patients with chronic nephritis, kidney function of the further damage, leading to the deterioration of the disease progression. According to the characteristics of chronic nephritis, patients should be required to make a reasonable diet.
Fifth, the husband and wife should be the law of life
For husband and wife, for patients with chronic nephritis should not be too frequent, generally speaking, not more than two times a month, if more than words can easily lead to recurrence and deterioration of the disease.

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