
Unknown nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome Symptoms

In clinical practice, early syndrome most common two symptom is edema and sleepy, which is the majority of patients will appear. Well, in addition to these two kinds of symptoms, the answer is, of course, there are some other unknown symptoms so, let us come together to understand the next bar.
One symptom:
Although hypertension is a disease that we compare common, but many people do not understand and a hypertension is caused, and the hypertension and hypertension as, also can appear, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and other symptoms, but some patients due to the long-term high blood pressure, symptoms of hypertension have tolerance, so it can be to do not have any discomfort. Therefore, it is not desirable to have no symptoms to determine whether the increase in blood pressure is not desirable, it is necessary to measure blood pressure, and hypertension is an important manifestation of early syndrome
Symptom two: low back pain
There are low back pain in a number of diseases, such as. In nephrotic syndrome, low back pain is the most common symptoms, due to pain in the kidney area is not suitable, and caused by dull pain or persistent dull pain. But it is often confused with other diseases.
Symptom three: abnormal urine volume
To one of the urine politics is also unusually early nephropathy syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, urine volume of patients will appear abnormal, such as multi. Normal urine volume of 1000~2000 ml / day, an average of 1500 ml / day. Whether the urine volume increases or decreases, it may be a manifestation of kidney disease, especially in the night is often the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome.
Visible from the above, not a single but a number of symptoms of the performance of the. Most of the patients at the time of medical treatment, will be accompanied by more than the symptoms. Hope that through the above introduction, in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome in your help, and help you recover soon.

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