
Why IGA nephropathy affects work and life

Suffering from IgA, what harm it? The incidence of this disease is getting higher and higher, in addition to adults, there are a lot of patients are children. IgA nephropathy to our life brings many inconvenient and difficult places, sometimes psychological torture

than physical torture more let the awkward discomfort, then IgA nephropathy of everyday life to bring the harm is what? Let's see:

Specific hazards of IgA nephropathy

1, work, IgA nephropathy in patients with a friend's harm is mainly reflected in the IgA nephropathy on the nervous system damage. IgA nephropathy patients will appear nervous anxiety, nausea, vomiting, etc., the patient's working condition is very easy to be affected. So, already suffering from patients with IgA nephropathy in patients with health should do a good job and health. If success in your career is going to cost you a healthy price, do you still want to stick to your job? IgA kidney disease is a serious impact. Only have no trouble back at home, the work of the time can be very quick to enter the state, work efficiency will not be affected. IgA nephropathy to the daily life of the harm

2, life, IgA nephropathy harm mainly in the impact on female fertility and male sexual dysfunction. In today's society, there is no child's family is still incomplete, Platon's love is just a distant legend, asexual marriage is difficult to go very far. And the advent of IgA nephropathy, for families without children to combat more heavy, so IgA nephropathy of everyday life to bring the harm is very serious.

IGA nephropathy diet I what are the principles?

IgA nephropathy diet needs to be based on a vegetarian diet. Nephropathy patients in the usual dishes, should avoid the use of animal oil, the best choice of vegetable oil. In the choice of meat, should be taboo grease high fat, and should be supplemented with high-quality low protein fish, chicken and lean meat. In short, patients should avoid or a small amount of consumption of such meat, to prevent the damage to the kidney.

Why IgA nephropathy diet to avoid meat it? That is because the animal fat and fat are high cholesterol, triglyceride rich foods, so the patient's kidney damage. At the same time, medical research shows that high fat food will cause the burden of cardiovascular disease, as well as to a large extent, damage to the kidneys of the glomerular capillaries, IgA nephropathy patients cause immeasurable loss.

When the IgA nephropathy in the acute stage, traditional Chinese medicine according to the symptom of different dialectical divided into exuberance of heart fire, damp heat in the intestines and stomach, bladder damp heat type. Patients at the time of onset can be fever,,, throat swelling and pain, urine red, mirror, edge of the tongue tip red, moss thin white or moss thin yellow symptoms. At this time, for IgA nephropathy diet should be used in food and decoction of dispersing wind heat, cooling blood, detoxification liyan.

Through the introduction of the content and your treatment of IgA nephropathy should be clear, in addition, for nephrosis patient's care and a lot of aspects, which requires the patient himself and his family, should be to consider what care in patients with nephropathy in many aspects, making them as much as possible free from harm. I wish you a speedy recovery!

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