
How to Improve Kidney Function without Dialysis

My dad has suffered from Diabetes over 30 years, now his creatinine level is 3.8. The doctor asked us to take dialysis. I want to know is it possible to improve kidney function by dialysis?

From a medical point of view, consider about the life safety of your father, if his complications and symptoms are serious now that dialysis is necessary for him. Without dialysis should be consider after illness condition stable.
As long as illness condition stale there will have great chance for patients to have a treatment without dialysis.

How to improve kidney function?

Improving kidney function is the only way to avoid dialysis. We will not deny that reasonable diet can help control blood sugar and slow down the progression of the condition. But the key to improve kidney function is an efficient treatment.

Nowadays, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is commonly used to treat various of kidney diseases including diabetic kidney disease. That is because it aims at repairing kidney damage and recovering kidney function by a series of functions. Meanwhile, through extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, Diabetes can also be treated effectively.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and a series of Chinese medicine treatments are good at help patients with severe kidney damage to restore kidney function.
First step is clean toxins in blood to make medicine get into kidney lesion directly. Second step it use effective medicine treat disease from root to repair damage on kidneys. Third step is supplement necessary nutrition and blood for kidneys to help them restore kidney function effectively.

Furthermore, this kind of treatment is also considered as one of the alternative treatment for dialysis in recently years.

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