
When Should Kidney Failure Patient Take Dialysis

GFR is one of the sensitive indicator of kidney disease, from the level of GFR we can know exactly which stage the disease is in. Once the GFR is lower than 15, that means you are now in End Stage Renal Disease and your kidneys have been damaged seriously. Then, you need to take dialysis to relieve those symptoms induced by kidney damage. But for people who has no obvious symptoms they can delay the times to take dialysis or choose other ways to help control their disease or reverse it.

Actually, there is no direct relationship between creatinine level and dialysis, that is to say, only a creatinine level is not enough to decide whether dialysis should be started or not.

For example, if the creatinine level increased to 4.5, in many countries, the doctor will recommend the patients to take dialysis or kidney transplant. However, just like what we mentioned, creatinine level is not quite enough on its own and needs to be looked at in the context of the other blood values, such as urea and potassium levels and how patients are feeling in themselves. If the urea level is high, patients could feel sick, be itching, irritable, unable to eat and stuff like that, in that case, patients will need to start dialysis sooner rather than later.

What treatment can help the patient control their disease without dialysis?

Chinese Herb Medicine is the good choice for patient with no much obvious symptoms, it can help the patient to relieve the symptoms and repair the damaged renal functions at the same time. With the help of Chinese Medicine, the patient may get a chance to avoid dialysis. But the Chinese Herb Medicine we mentioned above is not meant to one single therapy, it is a series of methods based on traditional Chinese Herb Medicine. Among them Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the representative one, it has remarkable curative effect in treating kidney disease and now it has been used widely in China. Cooperated with other treatments, it can solve the kidney problems from underlying causes.

In one word, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an alternative therapy of dialysis it has better curative effect than dialysis, so as a kidney failure patient you can choose it as your treatment.

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