
How to Treat Respiratory Signs in Renal Failure

There are many complications with the development of Chronic Kidney Failure and respiratory signs is one of complications, which can influence the quality of the patient’s life.

The respiratory signs are as follows:

Uremic Lung, with the progression of Chronic Kidney Failure, patients begin to cough and breathe hardly.

Uremia Pleural Disease, the occurrence rate is between 15%~20%. Patients are eager to have air and suffer from fever.

Lung calcification, Chronic Kidney Failure is usually leading to soft tissue calcification, Liver is the most place.

Patients feel uncomfortable with the respiratory signs in Chronic Kidney Failure.

How to treat respiratory signs in renal failure?

Chinese medicines is famous in treating kidney disease. The Chinese medicines are processed with special access. The processed Chinese medicines are put into two small bags. We find the special acupoints BL 23 Acupoint. It is a particular access to infiltrate into kidney increasingly.Hot Compress Therapy expands blood vessels to provide enough blood and oxygens for kidney thus preventing further kidney damage. Hot Compress Therapy has the function of anti-inflammation and anti-coagulation.Inflammation is an factor to aggravate renal conditions. Coagulation is another complications which is usually occurring in Chronic Kidney Failure. Meanwhile our therapy has the function of regulate blood systems and remove stasis. With the recovery renal functions, respiratory signs will be relieved.

Hot Compress Therapy is an externally applied therapy based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine.It can improve renal function by repairing the impaired renal intrinsic cells and reversing kidney damage.It combines the essences of herbal medicines and advanced modern medical equipment and technology.

Based on the patient’s specific illness condition,different types of herbal medicines will be applied in the therapy.The effective herbal medicines are then superfinely shattered and packed in medicine bag.With the help of penetrate and osmosis equipment, the effective medicine ingredients will be penetrated into kidney lesion through the skin in kidney are,thus attaining the goal of treating kidney disease.Over 20 years’ clinical practice has showed that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is effective in treating all kinds of kidney diseases.

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