
Other Treatment Options For Renal Failure Besides Dialysis

Dialysis as one of the common ways to treat renal failure, it can help patient live better by relieving those symptoms of kidney disease. But it cannot treat this disease from the underlying cause, so many patients want to avoid it.
In fact, except dialysis renal transplant is one of the most common treatment for kidney failure and it is also considered to be the most effective one. But just like dialysis, it also will cost a large amount of money. Moreover, it is not suitable for all the patients. So in order to help those patients who can not take renal transplant and do not want to take dialysis, here i recommend you some Chinese Medicines, hoping you can get benefit from them.

What kinds of Chinese Medicines can be the alternative of dialysis and renal transplant ?

Have you heard about Top Seven TCM Therapies ? All those seven therapies are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and have significant curative effect in treating kidney disease. Cooperated with each other, those medicines not only can relieve those symptoms caused by kidney disease, they also can reverse the progression of this disease by improving the kidney function.

The Seven TCM Therapies are Foot Bath Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Circle Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy and Enema Therapy. Each of them has its own features in treating kidney disease, so during the treatment doctors will arrange different therapies for patient’s according to their own condition.

Besides the good treatment, fit diet also plays an important role in treating kidney disease. So no matter you are taking dialysis or will switch to Chinese Medicine, you should make a diet plan to cooperate with your treatment, then you can get a better curative effect.

As long as patients have certain urine output, the mentioned above treatments can help patients reduce or avoid dialysis as well as kidney transplant. In addition, if kidney damage is so severe and patients also suffer from severe complications, some treatments will be the assistant treatments like Blood Pollution Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy, Blood Purification Treatment and so on.

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