
How To Treat Hypertensive Nephropathy and Creatinine 7.0

From the name of Hypertensive Nephropathy, we can know it is a kind of kidney disease that caused by hypertension. Sometimes, the Hypertensive Nephropathy patients suffer from high creatinine. And creatinine 7.0 is so serious for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients. Well then, what is the treatment for hypertensive nephropathy and high creatinine level 7?

You said your sister’s kidney disease is mainly caused by the high blood pressure, so her kidney disease is also called Hypertensive Nephropathy, or Hypertensive Kidney Disease. Her creatinine level is as high as 7 mg/dl, it is much higher than normal level 0.5-1.3 mg/dl, and it means her kidneys have been damaged severely with low kidney function.

In general, dialysis will be advised by doctor when serum creatinine level is higher than 5 mg/dl, and dialysis is the quickest way to lower the high creatinine. However, dialysis cant restore the kidney function, so it is not the good way to remedy her kidney disease.

Here we suggest the natural Chinese medicine treatment, which aims at repairing her damaged kidney tissues and improving her kidney function, then it can stop her hypertensive nephropathy and lower the high creatinine 7 from root without dialysis.

Besides, do you still have urine output? If yes, I suggest you to try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which works through a group of herbs and has been proven to be able to improve GFR effectively. Kidney is responsible for filtering blood and producing urine. You have urine output means you still have healthy kidney function. Under such a condition, it is possible for effective ingredients in medicines flow into kidney to repair injured kidney intrinsic cells. In this way, kidney function can be improved. Now your GFR s 7 and as long as your GFR is increased to 15, you can live a longer time without dialysis and kidney transplant. Additionally, as long as your kidney function or GFR 7 is increased, your creatinine level 7.9 will be lowered effectively.

There are various Chinese therapies in our hospital, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Full Bath Therapy, Enema Therapy, Blood Pollution Therapy, etc.

Depending on the own case of your sister, our expert team can make a systematic treatment plan by taking various Chinese therapies. These therapies aim at repairing her damaged kidney tissues and improving her kidney function. Once her kidney function is improved effectively, her high serum creatinine can be reduced from root.

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