
Is Creatinine Level 9.9 Dangerous for Kidney Failure Patients

The normal creatinine level is 0.5-1.3mg/dl, it is a mainly indicator of kidney function. Creatinine level 9.9 is much higher than the normal range which is usually indicates kidney damage and it is a dangerous condition. Well then, is creatinine level 9.9 dangerous for kidney failure patients?

With creatinine level 9.9, most patients have started dialysis already. Dialysis is a quick and effective treatment to discharge wastes out of your body. Kidney experts often recommend dialysis to those with high creatinine level. However, patients often complain their creatinine level goes up again after a period of dialysis. That is mainly due to dialysis can only control the temporary condition, but cannot repair damaged kidney tissues and improve renal function.

There are two reasons of high creatinine level after dialysis. One is dialysis insufficiency, it has close relation with dialysate. Once this condition appears, you should talk about it with your attending doctors, and do some changes to dialysate so as to assure sufficient dialysis. The other is your kidney has been further damage. One thing you should know clearly is that dialysis has no help to your kidney function. On the contrary, long-term dialysis would damage your remaining kidney. Once you start doing dialysis, your kidney will rely on dialysis. Long-term of this condition, kidney will stop its intrinsic function gradually, once stopping dialysis, creatinine will deposit in the blood again. So high creatinine level appears again. So dialysis can’t lower creatinine level once and forever.To lower down high creatinine level from the root, which means repair damaged kidney cells and restore kidney function, that we recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an unique and external application in our hospital. First it is based on Chinese herbal medicine, so it has little or no side effects in most time. The mainly function of it is to clean toxins in blood, repair kidney damage, supplement necessary nutrition and blood, then restore kidney function. Once kidneys work well that high creatinine level 9.9 can be reduced natutrally by kidneys without dialysis or medicine.

Aside from Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, we also have Mai Kang Mixture, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup and Moxibustion therapy, etc. They all contribute to improving renal function.

Do you want to know more about the treatments which based on Chinese medicine for high creatinine level? Any question about that, please leave us a message or send email. We will try our best to help you.

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