
Why More Patients Choose Chinese Medicines To Avoid Dialysis

Why more and more patients choose Chinese medicine treatment to Avoid Dialysis? Choose dialysis as the mainly treatment for kidney failure patients is a kind of necessary way for them in most countries. But now Chinese medicine has become a new way for kidney failure patients.

Effective treatments which based on Chinese medicine in our hospital are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy and so on. Both of them are able to clean toxins in blood to make medicine get into kidney lesion directly. Then medicine will repair the damage on kidneys and then supplement necessary nutrition for kidneys cells. Kidney function will have some improvement with this treatment in then end.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which is the most professional kidney disease hospital in china and it is famous for Chinese medicine treatment. After years of clinical studies, we found that the key to treat kidney disease is to clean the blood. Toxins and wastes, formed by years of drugs abuse, deposited in our blood, it not only damage kidney but also counteract the effects of medicine. So we think treating kidney disease should clean the blood firstly. Based on this idea, we have researched many kinds of toxin-removing treatment such as foot bath, circle therapy and micro-chinese medicine osmotherapy and so on. Especially for micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, it is the results of combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine. And it is used externally, so the active materials can enter into renal area directly. And have the function of dilating the blood vessels, improving blood circulation and finally achieve the goal of cleaning the blood. After treatment, many patients said that the whole process is comfortable, and they feel better and better, they can sleep well and they also can have a good appetite.

We know dialysis for kidney failure is the most popular treatment. Its mainly function is eliminate toxins and excessive water for patients to alleviate symptoms and saving life.

While with the treatment that side effects of dialysis will affect the kidney function more and more than before. Some of them will have no urine output anymore with the treatment. Of course the disease can not be treated well with it. Then more and more patients want to find some other effective treatments without dialysis.

Chinese medicine is famous in the world, it is also good at treating kidney disease. So that use it to avoid dialysis has become into a kind of popular treatment for patients with kidney failure.

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