
What Is The Treatment for IgA Nephropathy Without Dialysis

Long terms of Dialysis will bring lots of side effects and complications for patients with kidney disease. What’s more, it cannot treat kidney disease completely, especially the autoimmune kidney disease include IgA Nephropathy. Then, how to treat IgA Nephropathy without Dialysis?

why the dialysis can’t treat the lgA Nephropathy?

The dialysis do can help the lgA Nephropathy patients release some protienuria and blood urine out of the body. While, it is no use for improving the immune system, beside that, it also can bring some side effects to the patients. So you can understand why it is not an effective way to deal with the lgA Nephropathy. But please don’t lose the faith to treat the lgA Nephropathy, because there is not only one way for the patients, there also other natural treatments can deal with the lgA Nephropathy. Such as the chinese medical treatments in our hospital. if you are interested in them, you are supposed to read this article continually.What treatment can treat IgA Nephropathy without Dialysis?

To be honest, for the treatment of kidney disease the best way is to make the kidney work again.

First, patients need to repair the kidney damage, because healthy kidneys are the guarantee to make the kidney function work.

Second, eliminate causative agents and toxins to prevent further damage on kidneys.

Consider about those factors that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy can be the best treatment for IGA Nephropathy. These two treatments is able to repair the damaged kidneys and immune system, thus will improve the kidney function in huge degree. Then dialysis or kidney transplant can be delayed effectively.

If you want to choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy for the treatment of IGA Nephropathy, please leave us a message or send us an email.

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