
How To Keep Hypertension Stable In Hypertensive Nephropathy Without Dialysis

How to keep stable in Hypertensive Nephropathy without dialysis? It is necessary for most of patients with high blood pressure to take some regular tests on their kidneys, which can help them avoid the renal damage as early as possible.

First, how does hypertension cause kidney damage?

Patients with hypertension usually have a bumping blood pressure which can impair blood vessels. Kidneys consist of massive blood vessels and capillaries, so they are quite easily to get impaired. With the impairment of blood vesseles, blood and nutrition supply in kidneys is insufficient. In this case, functional cells in kidneys can be damaged and dead gradually.so the kidneys fail to work properly, and various clinical indicators become abnormal, such as high creatinine level, high BUN level, low GFR and so on. And patients can easily feel fatigue and weakness.

Well then, how to improve hypertensive kidney disease without dialysis?

In clinic,ACEI and ARB are usually to be taken to adjust patients’ blood pressure. They can effect their sympathetic nervous system,RAAS (Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System) and endothelin system,reducing the higher level of blood pressure. The key problem of this may is that ACEI and ARB can not cure the renal damage.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we do not recommend dialysis to patients. Because the treatment just aims at relieving some symptoms rather than repairing kidney damage. Our body consists of numerous cells and most of metabolisms are conducted by these functional cells. When these cells get damaged or become intensive, our health can meet up problems. Therefore, if we want to recover kidney function, new functional cells should be implanted.

Stem cells are the most primitive cells which can differentiate into functional cells as per body's signal. Stem cells are collected from umbilical cord rather than from patient's body. Through strict collection and cultivation, these cells are transfused into patient' body by vein. And it takes one hour for each transplant, very safe and no any pain. Though stem cells have very good ability to differentiate, their growth requires a very good condition. As you know, when kidney can not work properly, toxins and metabolic waste can mess up in human body. In this case, we need to rev up the blood circulation and remove them properly.

In addition, we also adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to cleanse the internal environment. This treatment is given externally, the active ingredient can penetrate into human body with the help of osmosis device. Patients can take this treatment just by lying on their back and they would feel massaged during the whole treatment. It takes 45mins for each treatment, and 3 times every day. After a period of treatment, patients can have some obvious improvement in their urine, including appearance, color and volume. With the recovery of functional cells, patients can feel comfortable gradually. This is the amazing function from Chinese medicine and cells therapy.

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