
Kidney Damage Can be Repaired with Chinese Herbal Medicine

Still have a lot of people do not know about that Chinese herbal medicine have the function to repair the damage on kidneys due to various of reasons. Do you know about them? If you want to know about it, please follow me, or contact with ONLINE DOCTOR.

If detected early enough, the progress of Kidney Disease can be slowed and sometimes kidney damage can be repaired successfully. However, if kidney function reduces to less than 10% of normal, Dialysis or a transplant becomes necessary. Here, we would like to introduce herbal medicine that can help repair damaged kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, one of the best Chinese herbal medicine treatment for kidney repair. Selected Chinese herbal medicines are micronized into small granules that are one thousand times smaller in diameter of the origianl size. With the application of microscope, effective ingredients can reach the renal lesions directly and then function to expand the blood vessels, promote the blood circulation, and increase the blood flow in the kidneys. In this way, the self-renewal of the damaged renal cells will be reactivated, thus repairing the kidney damage and recovering renal function. It works for kidney damage mainly through 4 steps:

1. Anti-inflammation

We know it from clinical studies that about 95% kidney failure is due to uncontrolled inflammation in kidneys, which lead to severe damage on kidneys and then lead to kidney failure. With the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy that inflammation can be eliminate from root.

2. Anti-coagulation

Blood clotting will lead to blockage in blood vessels which make blood can not get into kidney lesion and deal with disease. Anti-coagulation will reduce the risk of blood clotting with Chinese herbal medicine, that will alleviate kidney failure happen in some degree.

3. Degradation

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will degrade the toxins in blood vessels to give a much better condition or environment for kidneys to repair the injury intrinsic cells.

4. Dilate blood vessels

Extend blood vessels will reduce the pressure in blood vessels in some degree which is helpful for supply nutrition and blood to kidneys. Of course it will also helpful for discharging toxins in blood and keep balance of blood volume.

With both of these functions that damaged kidneys will have a much better condition to recover with the help of Chinese herbal medicine. You can see that kidney function will be improved gradually and symptoms will be controlled well too.

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