
The Traditional Chinese Medical Therapies to Treat Kidney Failure

Many kidney failure patients want to find some natural ways to help them out of this disease. But kidney disease patients could not find the proper treatments in their countries. Many patients must have heard about Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapies before. today let us tell you something about the traditional Chinese medical to treat kidney failure.

The Chinese medicine is based on traditional Chinese medical herbs, which has thousand years history in china. Chinese medicine not only include of medical herbs, but also include some internal organs of the animal, some kinds of shells and mineral group. The fact proves that Chinese medicine has little side effects to the patients, instead of that the medical effects can released completely. And according to certain principles, we have created a lot of kinds of Chinese medical treatments to deal with the kidney failure.

To the early and middle stage renal failure patients, traditional Chinese medical has a great advantage which can improve kidney function and GFR( glomerular filtration rate), dilate the blood vessels, repair the impaired glomeulars, promote the blood circulation and adjust the body environment. Traditional Chinese medicine therapies can help patients maximize the protection and rescue of injured glomerular cells which can slower the speed of kidney failure and achieve a satisfied effect of renal function. After treatments, patients’ clinical symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, itching, fatigue would disappeared quickly and toxin can be removed with urine, patients’ urine would become deep color and epinephelos. The urine volume would be increased. Moreover, the creatinine level, BUN( blood usea nitrogen and uric acid would be reduced. The patient who is on dialysis could reduce dialysis times of a week and stop dialysis gradually.

External therapy of traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history and be used widely in China. There are many traditional Chinese medicine therapies such as foot bath, medicated bath, micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, steaming therapy, acupuncture, moxibustion etc. All Chinese medicine which be used in the therapies are from nature.

If you are interested in our characteristic treatments and want to know more information about it, or you have any other question on kidney disease, you can consult our online doctors or leave your contact way below which our doctors will contact you in 24 hours.

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