
Treatment for Reducing Creatinine 8.1 in Kidney Failure

In fact, creatinine 8.1 is quite high for kidney failure patient, it belongs to the end stage renal disease. Usually, dialysis will be recommended to patient to lower the high creatinine level. However, besides dialysis, there is still a good treatment for this part of patient, that is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one great innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. With the typical effects of expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular matrix, this therapy is able to lower high blood pressure, keep blood sugar stable and rebuild kidney structure.

Based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this therapy is honored as fundamental kidney disease treatment. This is because it is proven to be natural and effective on reversing kidney damage and purifying patients' blood. As long as kidney function is increased, more and more creatinine and other toxins can be removed from the body. Then, patients' kidneys can work optimally by themselves rather than kidney replacement therapy like dialysis.

This treatment has four main functions which can repair the damaged kidney cells and protect the remaining ones from further damage, in such a way the kidney function can be improved gradually. As the kidney function rises, the high creatinine level will goes down with it.

For kidney disease patient with creatinine 8.1 if they can get Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy timely, they may lower the high creatinine level and get a chance to live a quality life without dialysis.

If you want to know more information about this treatment for kidney failure or want to lower high creatinine level in kidney failure without dialysis, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

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