
What Is The Treatment For Skin Rash In Kidney Failure

For kidney failure patients, they often suffer from some obvious and serious symptoms, wich will affect the life quality of people. Among the symptoms, skin rash is a common symptom for kidney failure patients.

What are the mainly causes of skin rash in kidney failure patients?

There are 3 mainly conditions that may cause skin rash for kidney failure patients.

1. High phosphorus level

When the kidney function is severely damaged, the excess phosphorus cannot be removed by the impaired kidney function, which will cause high phosphorus level. Then patients may experience skin rash.

2. Primary cause

There are some primary causes of skin rash which is caused by the certain kidney diseases such as lupus or some other immune diseases. Skin rash is often a common symptom in these diseases.

3. Uremic toxins accumulation

As we know, kidneys have the function of filtering wastes and toxins in blood. However, when the kidneys get damaged, they will fail to work well. And the toxins and wastes in blood will accumulate in body. The uremic toxins in body will cause skin rash or itching.

How to Treat Skin Rash in Patients with Kidney Failure?

Skin rash associated with Kidney Failure can markedly affect a patient’s quality of life and can negatively impact their mental and physical health. Thereby, it is important to get a treatment as soon as possible.

To deal with skin rash in patients with Kidney Failure, we have to find treatments which focus on the skin rash underlying causes.

Experts recommend immunotherapy and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Immunotherapy helps deal with with the underlying immune disorder which alleviate the skin rash from the very root.

Chinese herbal medicine helps repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function to filter out the excessive phosphate in blood.

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