
Black beans, black rice - the legendary two kidney food, kidney patients how to choose?

Chinese medicine often say "black into the kidney", meaning that most of the black food is good for the kidneys. Some people can eat ordinary food to kidney, kidney disease patients eat kidney injury - such as black beans. This is why?

Black beans with a detoxification diuretic, in addition to the role of hot dehumidifier, ordinary people or kidney are appropriate to eat properly to kidney; but some businesses promote the effectiveness of black beans known as suitable for all people to eat, it is wrong to say. In fact, black beans contain a large number of non-digestible plant macromolecular protein, will increase the burden on the kidneys; Second, beans contain a high amount of purine, eating too much will hinder renal rehabilitation, aggravate gout symptoms. Therefore, patients with kidney disease should avoid eating black beans.

Black rice is a pleasant food, because not only ordinary people can eat kidney, kidney patients also have great benefits to the kidneys. In addition to black rice with Qi and blood circulation, the efficacy of Liver eyesight, the most significant benefit of patients with kidney disease is kidney diuretic, control of blood pressure, to prevent edema and other symptoms. In addition, black rice has a strong antioxidant, kidney patients often eat can improve disease resistance. Think of black rice under the hard shell so soft and heart of a good it!

Black rice and black beans are two representatives of the "black food family". So for patients with kidney disease, there are other black food to eat kidney or kidney injury can it? In fact, there are many. Such as Yang Shen food, vegetables can eat black fungus, black radish, fruit black grapes, black mulberry, black currant and so on. In addition, black buckwheat can also be ideal for patients with kidney disease staple food choice. The kidney injury food, black mushrooms, black sesame seeds, etc. is not recommended for patients with kidney disease.

Nephropathy in the diet to be very careful. There are many ordinary people can eat food to kidney, but it will cause harm to patients. Therefore, we do not blindly listen to rumors of food kidney, scientific diet is a healthy diet.

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