
Kidney patients must eat this meal, it can be discharged from the body of toxins

Since ancient times, was pushed to respect the "Baiguo of the case." Sweet slightly acidic, cold, non-toxic.

After eating a pear or a cup of hot pear juice, the accumulation of toxins in the human body can be a lot of discharge. People are keen to eat grilled food, fast food category today, eat a meal after a pear may well be worthy of a recommended healthy lifestyle.

Because pears contain a certain amount of protein, fat, carotene, vitamin B1, B2 and malic acid. So to maintain the health of the body cells to help organ detoxification, purify the body, soften blood vessels, promote blood circulation, the calcium in the blood transported to the bones, and enhance bone calcium. But eating pears must be careful in order to better digestion and absorption by the digestive tract, and play the desired effect.

In addition, although the pear is sweet, but its calories and fat content is very low, the elderly eat more pears, can help the body purify the organs, soften blood vessels. Eat pears also anorexia, indigestion, enteritis, chronic pharyngitis and other diseases have a certain degree of secondary efficacy.

1. It also helps the kidneys excrete uric acid and prevents gout, rheumatism and arthritis.

2. Pear juice rich in dietary fiber, is the best gastrointestinal "cleaners." Most of the meals in the restaurant to "taste" to win, more greasy food or spicy, easy to induce constipation after eating. After a cup of pear juice, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so that the accumulation of harmful substances in the body a large number of discharge, to avoid constipation.

3. Pears contain more sugar and vitamins, the liver has a protective effect, especially for drinking people.

4. Pears with lower blood pressure, Yin Qingre effect, suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the patients, often drink some pear juice great benefit.

5. Pear has the effect of moistening the wind, in the dry climate, people often feel itchy skin, dry nose and mouth, and sometimes dry cough sputum, drink a glass of pear juice a day can relieve dry.

6. Smoking pear juice drinkers can reduce the harmful substances in cigarettes on the throat, respiratory tract irritation.

7. Pear juice contains more than 80% of the water, often forget to drink the elderly, drink pear juice can achieve the purpose of adding water.

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