
How Does Acupuncture Treat Kidney Failure

Acupuncture is one external application of Chinese medicines and there has been thousands of years history to use acupuncture to alleviate ailments and treat chronic disease such as headache, high blood pressure, kidney disease, arthritis, etc.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the practice of acupuncture is referred to as zhenjiu, meaning Acupuncture Moxibustion. The term “acupuncture” describes a family of procedures involving the stimulation of points on the body using a variety of techniques while moxibustion is the burning on the skin of the herb moxa.

Acupuncture can be applied to kidney failure patients and it has a lot of benefits to them.

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Acupuncture can eliminate clots and stasis of blood and qi so as to promote blood circulation and increase blood flow and supply to the kidneys. As a result, there will be great improve and relief of renal ischemia and hypoxia which is one common pathology for most renal damages. Increased blood and oxygen supply to renal tissues can alleviate renal damages and provide necessary nutritions for repairing damaged renal intrinsic cells and preventing further damages to other health renal cells and tissues.

Acupuncture can relieve fatigue and general ill feeling. Renal failure patients often feel tired, weak and fatigue due to too much accumulation of metabolic wastes in their body, renal uremia, poor appetite, etc. Acupuncture can much relieve their fatigue, improve their appetite and make them more energetic.
Acupuncture can alleviate skin itching when companied with medicated bath
Acupuncture can help control high blood pressure. There are certain acupuncture points that can help control and stabilize blood pressure. In the daily life, patients can use hands to rub these acupuncture point and this can also help. Some beneficial acupoints are Baihui point, temple, Zu san li, etc.

On one hand, acupuncture helps improve GFR via nervous reflex mechanism; on the other hand, it regulates reabsorption of renal tubule by the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. In addition, acupuncture can balance and deal with the immune disorder in patients with Kidney Failure. In a word, acupuncture for kidney management mainly depends on the whole regulation.

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