
Is It Possible For Chinese Medicine To Correct Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is a condition in which lots of kidney function have been lost and patients are more likely to experience various poisoning symptoms and complications. Therefore, patients are wondering that can Chinese Medicine dcorrect kidney failure?

In China, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides many many natural treatments to help patients slow down illness progression and live a longer life. The treatments includes toxins-removing, Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, medicated bath, foot bath and circle therapy and stem cell therapy.

Before taking treatments to repair the diseased kidney, various toxins and wastes products should be eliminated out of body. Because the deposition of toxins and wastes products not only makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also affect the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Therefore, eliminating various toxins and wastes products out of body plays a important role in helping patients to repair the diseased kidney. Toxins-Removing Treatment is often used to eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body effectively.

Chinese medicines mainly have the following functions while treating kidney failure.

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Repairing damaged renal tissues

Active ingredients in Chinese medicines can promote blood circulation, eliminate blood clots, heat and toxins out of the body. It can improve micro-circulation in atrophic and necrotic renal tissues so as to improve renal metabolism and repair damaged renal cells.

Improving kidney functions and GFR

Chinese medicines can provide more blood, oxygen and necessary nutritions for new renal cells to grow so as to rebuild renal structure and renal functions.

Delaying or even preventing dialysis and kidney transplant

When renal functions and GFR are improved and urine output is increased patients will not need to take dialysis or kidney transplant or the side effects and frequency of dialysis will be much reduced for those that have taken dialysis for years.

By taking the treatments, various toxins and wastes products are eliminate various toxins and wastes products and then the diseased kidney can be repaired naturally and gradually and then the kidney function can be recovered naturally.

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