
What Can Reduce Creatinine Other Than The Conventional Dialysis

Yes, in our hospital Blood Pollution Therapy can do that. If you want to know more, you can read about this or call for ONLINE DOCTOR directly.

Top 7 natural ways to lower high creatinine you must know.

1. Reduce consumption of meat

As creatine exists in muscle, it is mainly found in animal products. Therefore, you will be able to reduce the production of creatinine if you develop a vegetarian diet and keep a restrictive limitation of the consumption of meat.

2. Avoid strenuous physical activity

Strenuous physical activity can increase the metabolism of creatine in muscle, resulting in elevated production of creatinine in blood. Thus,it is a wise choice to avoid strenuous physical activity.

3. Low-protein diet

An effective natural way to reduce the creatinine level in your body is to create a diet low in proteins. You should limit foods rich in proteins, such as bean, bean-products, yolk, etc.

4. Avoid creatinine supplements

If you are a body builder, you may take creatinine supplement. However, if you are diagnosed with CKD, you should not use it any longer because creatine can be spontaneously converted to the by-product creatinine.

5. Avoid creatinine supplements

If you are a body builder, you may take creatinine supplement. However, if you are diagnosed with CKD, you should not use it any longer because creatine can be spontaneously converted to the by-product creatinine.

6. Nettle leaf tea

Drinking 1 to 2 cups of nettle leaf tea is a good choice to lower high creatinine level. It is a simple yet powerful kidney tonic that can improve renal function and reduce creatinine levels. However, nettle leaf tea is not suitable for all patients with CKD. You should consult your doctor before you start to drink this kind of tea.

7. Chinese medicine

We also have other effective treatment for patients to avoid dialysis. Such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Immunotherapy and so on. They can be used together for patients at the same time to achieve a much better curative effect. Of course, that should be according to the illness condition of patients.

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