
Why not let kidney patients to eat tofu, the first you in the gun

Recently a lot of friends on the platform asked me, can not eat tofu? Many people do not understand, won the kidney disease even if the beans do not eat, why not let tofu?

Tofu is a plant protein, after it enters our body through metabolism, most will become nitrogenous waste, and then excreted by the kidneys. However, the elderly and kidney disease patients with decreased renal function, if they eat too much tofu, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, so that renal function decline, thus affecting their health.

In fact, in addition to tofu can lead to kidney failure, but also can cause the following diseases:


Tofu contains a very rich in protein, once consumed too much, it will make the protein accumulation in the human body, people with bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Iodine deficiency disorders

Tofu contains a substance called saponins, it can promote the body's excretion of iodine. Therefore, if long-term consumption of tofu, it is easy to cause a large number of body loss of iodine, so that people suffering from iodine deficiency disorders.

Cause gout

Tofu contains more purine substances. And purine metabolic disorders is the key cause of gout. Therefore, excessive consumption of tofu gout patients can easily lead to its gout attack.

Cause arteriosclerosis

Tofu contains a very rich methionine, methionine into the body after the enzyme will be converted to cysteine. And cysteine ​​can damage the human arterial wall of the endothelial cells, so that cholesterol and triglycerides deposited in the arterial wall, causing arteriosclerosis.

Of course, to tell you that these issues are not to stay away from tofu, but to the right amount, especially in patients with kidney disease and the elderly.

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