
Does Ketosteril Work in Treating Renal Failure

If you are now having kidney failure and your serum creatinine is high but you have not begun dialysis or you do not want to begin dialysis, ketosteril is a good non-dialysis treatment option for you.

Amino acid is an important organic compound including essential amino acid and nonessential amino acid. The former one can be synthesized by body, but the later is mainly from our protein supplement. Ketosteril can use the nitrogen in nonessential amino acid to form amino acid. Meanwhile, it can reduce the formation of urea. Therefore, it can reduce the production of metabolic wastes in blood significantly. When the patients with renal failure are on ketosteril, a low-protein diet is needed. Recommended daily protein intake should be controlled in 40g for the adult.

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The main components of ketosteril are amino acids and calcium amino acid compounds. It can provide essential amino acids and reduce the intake of amino nitrogen. What is more, it can make use of the nitrogen in non-essential amino and turn them into amino acids so as to reduce the production of urea nitrogen and much relieve the building up of nitrogenous wastes and other toxic subtances in the body. As a result, the symptoms and discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, uremia, skin itching, etc caused by accumulation of uremic wastes will be much relieved. It can also rectify metabolic acidosis.

Ketosteril has the following curative effects in treating renal failure.

※ Relieve the symptoms of Kidney Failure by reducing metabolic wastes production
※ Protect residual renal function and delay the disease progression
※ Provide amino acid supplement and improve malnutrition state
※ Reduce protein in urine
※ Correct metabolic disorder, secondary hyperthyroidism and renal bone disease
※ Improve lipid metabolism disorder
※ Improve endocrine disorder

However, when people with renal failure are on ketosteril, they may develop hypercalcemia which may cause heart problem. If it happens, the patients are recommended to reduce the supplement of vitamin D. If the condition occurs persistently, the dose of ketosteril should be reduced. Also, the supplement of other calcium should also be limited.

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