
Latest Treatment for Kidney Failure with Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is a common symptom of kidney failure, which is due to the high level of toxins in body. Failed kidney could not remove toxins in the body so they mess up in the body and mess up in the body. In addition to creatinine, Cys-C, RBP, HCY and other harmful materials also exist in his body, all of them bring great threaten on his life safety.

1. Treat kidney failure as a whole

This is the most fundamental and effective method to deal with itching skin in kidney failure. Our body produces wastes at any time and it is owing to our strong kidneys, we can be free from these harmful substances. However, once kidney failure is formed, toxins have chance to build up in the blood and stimulate our skin. Therefore, treating kidney failure is the most effective and fundamental medical method to deal with itching skin.

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2. Do some specific medical tests.

Such as the CYs-C,α1 and β2 microglobulin, Micro-albumin, urine enzyme, NAG, GGT protein electrophoresis etc. This tests can reflect which part of kidneys get damaged, which kinds of immune complex deposit in your kidneys, and how much kidneys get damaged.

3. Bath treatment

Bath treatment is necessary as it not only helps to relieve skin problem, but also make us feel relaxed. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of bath treatment: Baking soda bath and Peppermint bath.

Baking soda bath: soak yourself for 15 to 30 minutes using a cup of baking soda per full bath tub. To some extent, backing soda bath helps to draw out toxins, but for kidney failure patients who have wound in their skin, they are usually not suggested to have baking soda bath.

Peppermint bath: Grab a handful of peppermint leaves form your garden, crush them and then place them in a bath. In addition, if you can not found peppermint leaves, you can buy a box of 100% peppermint tea bags and place 4 teabags within a lukewarm bath.

4. Clear the waste products and toxin substance from human body.

In our body, there are two kinds of immune complex: one is run with blood circulation, the other one is deposit in the kidneys. Our job is to clear that immune complex, because they can cause the inflammatory reaction in the body. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can clear the immune complex deposit in the kidneys, and immunoadsorbent techniques, plasma exchange, blood purification can help the patient to discharge the immune complex in the blood.

Itchy skin is just one of the clinical manifestations of kidney failure and no matter which method we choose, we must change our die to promote treatment effects. Lastly, itchy skin is really bothersome and if we want to remove it from the root, we must get kidney failure treated effectively and fundamentally.

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