
Always yawn, that they are spring storm? Do not! This may be the warning of kidney Insufficiency!

Morning always sleep, do not want to move?
Yawn daytime, uninterrupted
Sleep at night early, or sleep?

Is not thought that they are spring sleep it? In fact, it may also be the body to warn you:

Kidney Insufficiency 

Kidney in daily life is very common, there are many people in their troubled.

So, what symptoms indicate their kidneys "virtual" it?

1, no sense of the total yawn is also a total

Yawn days show that their neurasthenia fatigue, generally kidney yang deficiency.

This type of people are often accompanied by dull, chills, cold, eat less abdominal distension, urine and other symptoms, but also accompanied by white tongue, lip and purple and other appearance form.

How To Make Your Kidneys Stronger

2, for no reason feel the mouth salty

Kidney Yin people easily mouthless hair salty.

In general, this group of people are often accompanied by pharyngeal dry mouth, night sweats, irritability and other symptoms. The tongue will be bright red, thin tongue coating.

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3, too much fear of known things

Kidney deficiency will lead to blood instability, there is "fear" situation. The general performance of the known things for fear of no reason, such as fear of public speech, too worried about some bad consequences.

Good fear can cause forgetfulness, thoughts of confusion, mind blank and so on.
As the saying goes, "ten kidney nine virtual". Although the kidney is a very common phenomenon, but long-term letting the kidney to bring the adverse effects, will bring a lot of inconvenience to life, may also cause physical weakness, easy disease.

Top 4 Bad Habits Damage Your Kidneys

Reduce the impact of kidney, need to do the following four things:

Face up to their own, active nurturing

Kidney is a normal phenomenon, do not pay too much attention to it, to add their own psychological burden.

Face up to their own "shortcomings", active nurturing, is the nursed back to the kidney.

Diet is reasonable, with evidence

Kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang of the dietary adjustment is the difference.

Yin people should be more choice of cool food, such as most fruits and melon, radish and other vegetables to ease the body of dry fire; Yang is more suitable for warm food, such as beef, leeks, nuts and so on.

Get rid of abuse and improve life

Addicted to alcohol and alcohol, stay up all night, eating unhealthy, too tired, frequent rooms are important reasons to increase kidney deficiency.

To keep the kidneys, you need to slowly reduce to abstain from these bad habits, to develop good habits.

Regular nursed back to health

Bushen kidney is not mad to eat Liu Wei Di Huang Wan can be achieved, need through life, diet, medication, exercise and other common with.

Chinese medicine is also a good way to adjust, but in the regular hospital under the guidance of Chinese medicine experts, do not mix with Chinese herbal medicine, more avoid using raw herbs without processing.

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