
See the urine color know all diseases

Normal urine is pale yellow, too light or almost colorless, in addition to drinking too much outside is seen in diabetes insipidus, diabetes; fever, drinking less or a lot of vomiting, diarrhea caused by the body dehydration is yellow urine. Yellow urine can also be due to serving riboflavin, A caused by equal drugs. And serving carrots, carrots and yellow dyes with the drinks, the food is yellow urine is not surprising. Urine was brown, yellow-green to brown-green in addition to the acid may be in the rhubarb, senna, the United States and the United States caused by Li Pi, the more liver cells, obstructive or hemolytic jaundice caused by urine Bilirubin, urinary bile caused by increased.

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Brown or brownish black

Brown or brown-black urine can be seen in acidic urinary tract bleeding, in addition, phenol poisoning and levodopa, nitric acid, to Su, formic acid, etc. can also make urine brown.


A reference to the red urine immediately thought of hematuria, in fact, can also be seen in myoglobinuria, hemoglobinuria and hematoporphyrin disease and other secondary urinary porphyrin increased disease, in addition, catharsis diarrhea, Phenolphthalein, anti-tuberculosis rifampicin, antipyretic aminopyrine, deworming mountain years can also cause urine redness. It is more common for food beets and reddish pigments to become red.

Dark green or blue

Methylene blue, indigo card red, wood slip oil can make the urine was dark green or blue, and in some cases of the disease, due to urine blue mother, indigo generated too much, the urine also blue, Such as in the small intestine obstruction, enteroadenitis, peritonitis bowel movements, or chronic gastritis, gastric cancer, gastric acid sub-Qin reduced, intestinal protein decomposition increased decomposition. Occasionally also see congenital blue urine, such as: seen in congenital renal neutral amino acid urine, blue diaper syndrome.

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Milky white urine is most common in filariasis or other causes of milk erosion; if white urine and oil is fat, more common in nephrotic syndrome, fractures, diabetes, carbon monoxide poisoning. If the urine of phosphate, uric acid too much occurs a lot of salt. Urine color also showed milky white.

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The ancients said, "the god of sight." Although you can not see urine all the disease know, but you can know one, two, you may wish to try.

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