
Dialysis treatment is not good kidney failure

Is kidney disease an incurable disease?

Have kidney disease developed into kidney failure?

To kidney failure can only dialysis?

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Maybe it's kidney disease

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Is kidney disease an incurable disease?

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From the clinical point of view, in addition to acute renal failure, acute interstitial nephritis and other acute kidney disease, other kidney damage to the kidneys, is basically irreversible. Simply by hormone therapy, can temporarily alleviate the progression of the disease, but a withdrawal, immediately increased. Therefore, the clinical cure for kidney disease is the real meaning, on the one hand to control the current condition, on the one hand but also to prevent the kidneys continue to damage.

Then the kidney disease will develop into renal failure?

Nor is it.

If again and again to ignore the signal sent by kidney disease, may be found that day, it is already kidney failure; but most patients, in the presence of anemia, high blood pressure, foam urine, fatigue, discomfort and other symptoms, will Timely to the hospital for examination, early detection of kidney disease, so that the disease has been effectively controlled.

Is not kidney failure, it can only dialysis?

The answer is still yes - no.

The typical feature of renal failure is the continuous increase in creatinine, representing the gradual destruction of renal function, the body of toxins in a large number of accumulation. So in order to remove the body of toxins, most Western medicine will recommend patients with hormone suppression or dialysis treatment.

But dialysis can control kidney failure?

Kidney disease is difficult to cure the key is due to the accumulation of a large number of toxins in the body can not afford to clear. Simply by dialysis treatment, can only remove the body of small molecules toxins, and macromolecules will remain in the body, the plot more and more. These macromolecular toxins in turn continue to erode the kidneys, the final destruction of all renal function, other organs are almost depleted, into the end of uremia, when the kidney may be irresistible.

So dialysis is only a temporary solution can not cure the way. Only to remove all the toxins in the blood, in order to inhibit the body's immune response, so that the kidneys stop the damage.

How can the kidney function all disappeared before the removal of blood endotoxin it?

Dialysis is physical therapy. To repair damaged kidney function, only in the treatment of Chinese medicine to find a professional and unique treatment of the hospital for treatment.

But only oral decoction effect of Chinese medicine is minimal, only with the external Chinese medicine fumigation, moxibustion, rub rub, kidney and other methods, in order to play the effect should be outside, from the lesion to solve the problem.

But not to say that end-stage renal failure, uremia, etc. can not dialysis, after all, dialysis is the most direct life-saving method, and traditional Chinese medicine detoxification therapy is a gradual repair process. The two closely with, in order to achieve the best results.

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