
Early symptoms of Kidney Disease

Early symptoms of kidney disease in several cases, low back pain, hematuria, urine abnormalities and edema. In addition to edema, the other three manifestations are not particularly obvious, kidney disease is always from some obvious manifestations of symptoms, to the emergence of serious illness, to understand and master the early symptoms of kidney disease, daily life, pay more attention to some relevant information, Pay more attention to their own health, early detection of kidney disease, early to get rid of the disease to help very much.

Early symptoms of kidney disease performance: back pain

Low back pain is a manifestation of symptoms of kidney disease, but usually the case of kidney disease patients often no obvious low back pain performance, or found that after the nausea feel faint back pain, that is sick waist, will feel back pain. In fact, this low back pain is not as pyelonephritis and kidney stones back pain, kidney nephritis more than one side of the low back pain, and kidney stones, low back pain performance and more to the thigh medial radiation.

Early symptoms of nephropathy II: hematuria

Normal daily urination 1000-2000 ml, an average of 1500 ml, whether it is more or less urine output, may be the performance of kidney disease. Especially normal nocturia at night, if you find up to several times at night, and drink water before going to bed is not much, but also to guard against kidney disease. Some diseases, such as iga kidney disease, have hematuria in the early stages.
Hematuria is divided into two, that is, gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria, microscopic hematuria is not visible with the naked eye, only in the microscope only red blood cells. If there is naked eye hematuria that there are a lot of urine inside the red blood cells. Of course, hematuria is not necessarily nephritis, in addition, lesbian hematuria to pay more attention is not caused by menstrual period.

Early symptoms of nephropathy 3: urine abnormalities

Normal urine is transparent yellow light, if less water or early morning urination, the color is slightly deeper. If the urine redness, or urine foam, pay attention to the Department of renal medicine examination.

Early symptoms of kidney disease performance four: edema

Kidney is the body's body of water metabolism, kidney is not good, the water will accumulate. Some people in the morning to find eyelid edema, or feet, legs swollen, have to consider the kidney problem. Specific swelling of the performance of the eyelid, face, scrotum and other relatively loose central, the current lower limb edema, tension can also be systemic edema, a few people may have ascites. Little wrinkles on the face was gone, and the tiny wrinkles around the eye were gone because of edema. Calf bone department with your fingers to pressure, finger pressure depression, a long time will be restored; pre-fetal calf swelling, blood pressure rise, resulting in white urine and so on.

In addition to the above mentioned, some of the more serious nephrotic syndrome patients may appear loss of appetite, fatigue, anemia and other symptoms. In view of the fact that kidney disease can be cured early, so if you find the above situation, in view of the hospital immediately to do a related check, do not wait for the disease when it is too late.

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