
Dietary Misconceptions in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure

Human body metabolism of waste mainly by the renal oozing, due to chronic renal failure in patients with glomerular filtration rate decreased, will lead to the retention of metabolic waste, while retaining the waste and in turn the effect of the various organs of the body, each other cause and effect , The formation of a vicious cycle, plus room disease. "Export" obstacles, "import" must be subject to the corresponding restrictions. Chronic renal failure patients with a reasonable diet, beneficial to reduce the retention of metabolic wastes, delay the process of slow renal failure and malignant development. However, due to chronic renal failure patients and their families on the unilateral understanding of eating and drinking, they "eat" in the existence of a lot of errors.

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1, do not eat salt less drinking water.

Edema is a common manifestation of nephropathy, but also the most susceptible to changes in patients. As the patient friends are aware of water, salt and edema directly related to, so many patients pay great attention to salt drinking water, resulting in "fear of salt", "fear of water," the psychological, and even do not eat salt, Online prompts the majority of patients friends and family, limit salt limited to high blood pressure, edema, oliguria, chronic renal failure patients is needed in order to avoid causing excessive sodium and sodium retention, increased edema and high blood pressure. But not all patients should limit water and salt. If there is no high blood pressure, edema and oliguria, should not limit the water, salt access. Do not eat salt can cause sodium deficiency, showing muscle spasms, hypotension, hypovolemia, orthostatic hypotension and renal function damage. Even if there is edema and oliguria and other performance, should also take a low-salt diet, appropriate to curb the water. Therefore, patients with chronic renal failure whether to strictly curb the water, salt intake, depending on the physical condition by the physician. Excessive fear of salt, fear of water is no need.

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2, vegetarian diet can reduce the burden

Patients with chronic renal failure due to decreased glomerular filtration rate, the main toxins such as urea, creatinine (CRE) and so on in the body accumulation, resulting in physical harm. And these toxins are protein metabolites, so patients with chronic renal failure should be repeated emphasis on high-quality protein diet. Some patients so long vegetarian, afraid to eat animal protein, that vegetarian does not contain protein. In fact this is a misunderstanding of food protein. Food protein comes from both plant protein and animal protein. Although most of the semi-plant protein content than animal protein content is low, but the daily staple food such as rice, flour protein content of 8% -9%, beans and beans, the protein content of up to 20%, while plant protein Must be more than 50% amino acids, including the need for amino acids less, and potassium high, so not suitable for patients with chronic renal failure. Therefore, patients with chronic renal failure should be appropriate to eat with essential amino acids, animal protein, such as milk, eggs, fish, to properly contain the acquisition of plant protein, do not choose the vegetable protein such as soy milk and tofu and other beans and Bean finished products. However, the amount of protein should be contained, the daily access to protein should be contained, the amount of protein obtained every day according to their own degree of glomerular filtration rate to customize. All in all, patients with chronic renal failure must be aware that high-quality low-protein diet is not equal to vegetarian, vegetarian and no way to reduce kidney burden.

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3, hunger treatment can protect renal function

Chronic renal failure patients repeatedly focus on high-quality low-protein diet at the same time, but also to ensure adequate supply of calories, that is, to ensure that the body has sufficient energy supply, reduce the differentiation of endogenous protein, thereby reducing azotemia. People usually use sugar as the focus of the source of heat supply, most of the semi-chronic renal failure patients should be curb each day in the 250-300 grams or less, try to use starch, depression, lotus root starch, sweet potatoes, honey, sugar, Rice, flour and so on. In clinical practice due to chronic renal failure in patients with too much emphasis on the diet, as well as the patient's animal protein misunderstanding, as well as some patients to take the so-called "hunger because of the staple food and animal protein due to excessive restrictions, the patient is often nutrient As a result of chronic kidney failure, the phenomenon of poor nutrition is extremely extensive, coupled with hunger treatment, doubly heavy nutrient is not good, resulting in decreased body resistance and hypoproteinemia, and easy to merge infection, add room disease, resulting in kidney Therefore, there is no way to protect the renal function of hunger treatment, chronic renal failure patients must not be "body test method."

For patients with chronic renal failure, a reasonable diet on its physical rehabilitation is extremely important.

4, drink "bone soup" can calcium body

Chronic renal failure patients with calcium, phosphorus metabolism disorders, manifested as low calcium and hyperphosphatemia. Due to nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, eating less and so the cause of calcium is not enough, at the same time, due to the impact of gastrointestinal function and hyperparathyroidism, calcium in the intestine to receive reduction, the patient often showed low calcium, while , Due to renal injury, discharge of phosphorus can be reduced, and the seepage of confusion, so the patient there is high phosphorus situation. Bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink bone soup to obtain a lot of phosphorus, resulting in accumulation of phosphorus in the body, exacerbated hyperphosphatemia. Practice confirmed that drinking bone soup can not only improve the lack of calcium, and because of high blood phosphorus and accelerate renal injury. The low-phosphorus diet can delay renal dysfunction caused by secondary hyperthyroidism, renal pain, etc., so patients with chronic renal failure should be low-phosphorus diet.

Chronic renal failure patients with dietary method of great knowledge, focusing on the scope of the permit within the appropriate selection of food to reduce kidney burden, protect renal function, adhere to high quality low protein diet, low phosphorus, low salt, high calorie. To curb the "eat" knowledge, so that happiness from the new benefits you and your family!

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