
Symptoms of renal failure

Many people are aware of renal failure have anxious, chronic two, acute kidney failure of the rapid development of the body, mostly due to insufficient supply of renal blood flow (such as trauma or patients with burns), the kidneys due to a plateau due to congestion caused by functional damage Or by the poison of injury, resulting in the emergence of acute renal failure. And chronic renal failure is mainly due to prolonged kidney cancer, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney a little lower, resulting in renal failure. Today for patients with friends to explain the symptoms of renal failure three:

1, the beginning of this period of patients often suffer from some known ATN plateau, such as hypotension, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins and so on. But has not yet produced significant renal damage. At this stage acute renal failure can be prevented. But with renal tubular epithelial significant damage, GFR suddenly decreased, the clinical manifestations of acute renal failure syndrome became significant, then enter the maintenance period.

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2, maintenance period, also known as oliguria. Typical for 7-14 days, but also as short as a few days, as long as 4-6 weeks. The glomerular rate remained low. Many patients can show oliguria (40Oml / d). But some patients can be no urine, urine output in 400ml / d or more, known as non-oliguric acute renal failure, the body most of the light, the prognosis is better. However, regardless of whether the reduction of urine output, with the reduction of renal function, clinically can show a series of uremic creatinine high performance.

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3, recovery of renal tubular regeneration, recovery, complete recovery of renal tubules. Glomerular filtration rate returned to normal or near normal range. Oliguria patients began to show diuretic, may have polyuria, daily urine output up to 3000-5000ml, or more. Daily life lasts for 1-3 weeks and then returns to normal. Compared with the glomerular filtration rate, the recovery of glomerular epithelial cell function (the recovery of solute and water) is relatively delayed, and it takes several months to recover. Some patients may eventually leave varying degrees of renal structure and functional defects.

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Symptoms of renal failure for three patients to explain here for the patients here, suggesting that patients with kidney failure and family members, both to a high degree of kidney disease, active treatment, and can not be too impetuous, to be patient to adhere to cure until fully recovered.

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