
Early to mention the five symptoms, you can avoid the pain of kidney failure!

We should have a sense of fear of renal failure, after all, who do not want to embark on kidney failure, life-long dialysis road. If you have the same idea, there is far from the desire of kidney failure, it must be on the following six symptoms of high attention.

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Fatigue and drowsiness

This is the most easily overlooked by a symptom, when this happens, are often we are too tired or did not rest good, along the past. But in fact, it is the kidney is about to enter the first symptoms of renal failure.

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Body edema

It is easier to detect the symptoms. If kidney disease patients found their own body multiple persistent edema, the best time to the hospital for examination, because the kidneys filter function has been severely damaged, it is likely to lead to organ failure.

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Back pain

More than 50% of patients with renal failure in the early have appeared in the phenomenon of recurrent low back pain. Therefore, if the patient with kidney disease in recent days, the waist pain is obvious and frequent, we must guard against the disease is to the development of renal failure.


Renal function to a certain extent, there will be naked eye hematuria, although the urine color is not deep, but has shown a light red.
Because hematuria is intermittent, and no pain, so often ignored by patients. I do not know the first hematuria is already issued by the kidney distress signal.


Blood pressure is an important indicator of patient self-monitoring of renal function. Long-term high blood pressure is certainly the body is a problem. Therefore, the patient should develop the habit of measuring blood pressure on time, pay attention to changes in blood pressure.

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