
Prevent kidney disease to kidney failure

Kidney is an important organ of our body's metabolism, it is closely related to other organs, so we not only to protect the kidneys, but also to other organs nursed back to health.

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Nursed back to health

In daily life, to get up on time to sleep, good health diet, but also pay attention to health, to avoid skew invasion, especially in the epidemic season and the region to strengthen the preventive measures. Diet to be light, to maintain a happy mood, so that blood to avoid the occurrence of qi and blood stasis. At the same time, but also to strengthen physical exercise, improve the body's immune capacity.

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To prevent poisoning

The data show that 20% to 50% of acute renal failure is caused by drugs, and some due to exposure to harmful substances. Therefore, should try to avoid the use and contact with the kidneys toxic drugs or poison. If accidentally taken or exposed to timely detection and early treatment.

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Timely control

Once the induction of acute renal failure occurred in primary disease, should be treated early, pay attention to expand blood volume, correct water, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base imbalance, recovery cycle function. If the disease is expected to occur, should take early measures to add blood volume, increase cardiac output, restore renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate, excluding renal tubular obstruction, prevention and treatment, to prevent DIC, renal ischemia Causing damage to the parenchyma. At the same time as soon as possible application of blood circulation drugs, the prevention of the disease have a positive effect.

The food for patients with renal failure is as follows:

Staple foods include: oats, sorghum rice, cornmeal, wheat starch, rice, millet and so on.

Meat and eggs mainly include: chicken, white duck, wild duck, grass carp, herring, carp, carp, black fish, frogs, milk, eggs and so on.

Vegetables mainly include: mustard, lettuce, green pepper, bitter gourd, cabbage, melon, cucumber, eggplant, bamboo shoots, day lily, seaweed, mushroom and so on.
Fruit mainly include: hawthorn, apple, strawberry, watermelon, kiwi, grapes, pineapple, water chestnuts, peaches and so on.

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